I was at a place called CD WAREHOUSE today with my freind Kakoi and we saw on tape Fansubbed......NINJA GAIDEN an anime that looked as old as the first game which it probably is. But We were absolutely astonished that it existed and neither of us knew of it. I'd love to know where I could get it on dvd. :twisted:
It could be like the Rayearth OAV and there is no DVD for it =/
It looked old I still question it's existence and I saw it. I doubt it is on DVD but I will scour the internet until I find out more about it. 8O 8O 8O
Hmmm, the games did rock. Why didn't you guys pick it up? At least check it out. :mrgreen: Send it to the resident pie. :mrgreen:
there's a new Ninja Gaiden Game coming out soon for Xbox
Hopefully it stays 2D. Otherwise......*shaking fist* :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
nope.... it's full 3d and looks NOTHING like the older NG games.....
i loooooved the game series though (well other then 3.... it just didn't have that 'joy' that the original 2 had)......
as for an anime.... it must have been a mistake or just something labeled stupidly..... cause there has and never will be such thing as a ninja gaiden anime u_u (why? cause the series wasn't even liked in japan..... it was the US which loved the series)
though i DID see it mentioned on a site.... nobody ever posted any info or screens though.... so it's probably one of those magical rumors... or just some other ninja anime GIVEN that name..... i'm sure it has nothign to do with the games
From the screen shots I've seen (when it was a ps2 game!!! ARG!!!) it was 2D which is surprising. I hope they still release it on ps2 because I don't want an X-BOX. 8O 8O 8O
nope... it's x-box only u_u
but supposedly the ps2 is gonna get a 'side story'.... featuring a 'female character from DOA'...... i'm guessing kasumi or somebody.....
either way if it's 2d or at least PLAYS like a 2d game then i'll be happy
as for my doubts on the anime...... i take back what i said u_u
I would have bought it, but I didn't want to spent $6.99 on a fansub tape. 8O 8O
I wish that X-box would stop getting all these games that were going to be on other systems. Like Shenmue two what the fuck. 8O 8O
6.99 isn't too bad. :mrgreen:
EXACTLY!!!! i'm now trying to hunt down a vcd of it (cause i don't use my vcr anymore).....
but i can't find it ANYWHERE u_u
Damn Bill Gates for trying to whore into the console universe with his worthless GAY-BOX. He's just sniping at true game fans by trying to cash in on the drones he already controls. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
And sadly I would have bought the fansub but I only had 4$ on me.

Maybe it will still be there by monday and I can buy it and give us all some insight on the this mysterious anime. :twisted: Even if it's shit, it's still worth 6$.