Ryo of Inferno Wrote:BE give it a rest, she doesn't like you. Don't feel bad though most girls only like me as a
friend if even that.
I wasn't being serious :p
And just do some push ups, you will get buff like beast and the christian chicks will flock to you like a duck to bread (but hide that evil anime!)
babyeater0 Wrote:I wasn't being serious :p
And just do some push ups, you will get buff like beast and the christian chicks will flock to you like a duck to bread (but hide that evil anime!)
Ha-Ha yeah 'Satan created it!' LMFAO
Puppet Master Wrote:Ha-Ha yeah 'Satan created it!' LMFAO
Yeah lol. Man do I wish i went to a secular university. There are only two good things
about this University that sometimes make up for it. Ah well.
Puppet Master Wrote:Oh? What would those be?
Well one is we get out earlier than most colleges which helps with the job hunting. The
other is campus day. This is like a recess on college campus that happens on the last day
of college each year. Does this make up for an overly strict college? You decide.
Shit, you're annoying BE (most of the time). Mind if he's my bitch too Vicious? :p Damn, if I'm like that, just tell me and I'll go shoot myself or something. I normally am not mean like this, but I don't want you giving a bad name to all of the younger people that chill here

Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Well one is we get out earlier than most colleges which helps with the job hunting. The
other is campus day. This is like a recess on college campus that happens on the last day
of college each year. Does this make up for an overly strict college? You decide.
Aw hells no! Finals week is "campus day" for us! None of us do anything but drink, party and wreck the campus! Oh yea, and finals too.

You probably get out at the same time my school does. We're out by the first week of May. The part that sucks is that we have to report in mid-August for training.

Whip our asses back into shape after being lazy all summer.
Vicious Wrote:I think that means BE just got shot down. Perhaps if he were to send LSI a nice Christmas present . . . Hopefully he's been saving up that allowance.
Shot down? There was nothing there to shoot! He's looking for 18 year olds? He's so far below me it isn't even funny! I'm at least 3 years past that!
Oh, and welcome true_believer. I'll be you're friend

. I really doubt she'll be back though, since she hasn't responded in a while.
ladysilverice Wrote:Shot down? There was nothing there to shoot! He's looking for 18 year olds? He's so far below me it isn't even funny! I'm at least 3 years past that!
I was trying to get you an extra Christmas gift. Although I'm not sure how much he could get for you off his $5 a week allowance.
Hello there friends ^_^ sorry ive not been able to post in a while. i've been busy at the moment trying to cheer myself up but its goin abit haywire im gaining weight. damn icecream and choclate (every womans best friend in times like theses

aswell as anime). I like the way things change on this forum all the threads take wierd twists and turns off topic. alot go onto being childish ive noticed.hehehe boys will be boys

lately ive been trying to forget him and it kinda helped. though he is always on my mind. im trying well until i can see him again or something. ive stopped looking at his emails now. i really hate myself for letting the insecurity get to me and invade someones privacy like that. if the same happened to me i would be disgusted so im such a loser for doing so

. he's not contacted me in a while,but he was always a busy guy and never was one for emailing much.though he made an effort at first. thanks again to those that have tried to help me Andromeda_18, Blight, Ryo of Inferno, rav96, ladysilverice and Sweet_Marie
my mind frame is very edgy and jumpy and abit depressed at the moment but i should be able to cope.ive missed alot of things lately and tried to join a club but ended up locking myself in my room. somehow ive placed myself under house arrest i just dont feel like getting up anymore and doing things, i wish i could be myself again at times even think i would have been better before i met him.but i Love him i guess and thats what matters.
sometimes things i regret i did with him like my guard and being quite on and off replay in my mind and its hard to not get down because of it but its gettin better now.Nice to hear that people like Sweet_Marie are waiting for the one. i think ive found it in him but then what others say maybe true. im not so sure now i was 100% but now like 80%-hehe. And it makes sense that guys would like sex.thought they all did. but us women arent that bothered by it. infact i think its overatted and just so big because of the social taboo/stigma that sex has. i dont know many people as ive told you lot. but all the guys ive met have had it when they were in their teens and its hard to believe that there are guys that save themselves from what ive come across but its refreshing to hear it.
Ryo from what ive raed you seem like you have it hard aswell, im not sure on what to say but i agree with most others that you should stick up for yourself buut wait till you are less depended. and itstrue Sweet_Marie learning to love yourself is like one of the hardest things ever. im just so insecure, i was thinking of posting a picture but not sure probably wont wish i could get rid of my chubiness so am thinkin of joiing a gym if i can muster up the courage

i still dont know what aesthetics he see'd in me and it hurts as he is so beautiful. i did look through that picture thread and most of you guys are kawaii

and we do have pretty girls aswell.

onizuka17711 Wrote:Oh, and welcome true_believer. I'll be you're friend
. I really doubt she'll be back though, since she hasn't responded in a while.
well hello there and yep im here but not very regular. i really like GTO very funny but yet to read the manga

True_Believer Wrote:well hello there and yep im here but not very regular. i really like GTO very funny but yet to read the manga 
w00t w00t GTO is amazing!!!!! Read the manga, because there is more to the story than in the anime. Yay, a GTO fan, I like you already!

Vicious Wrote:I was trying to get you an extra Christmas gift. Although I'm not sure how much he could get for you off his $5 a week allowance.

I'd rather not encourage him, thanks!
ladysilverice Wrote:.....
I'd rather not encourage him, thanks!
Smart move as we have said before anyone who calls themself a winged perv needs to be avoided and/or eliminated lol...
True_Believer Wrote:Sweet_Marie learning to love yourself is like one of the hardest things ever. im just so insecure, i was thinking of posting a picture but not sure probably wont wish i could get rid of my chubiness
Wow,you know it is very much true.I have had my share of problems with both a few years ago.Through the ages 12-15 I was chubby.and I did not like it because all of my sisters were seriously skinny.We are talking size 0-1 with a belt..but I went of a diet and exercized every day and lost 35-40 pounds and now I am normal right in my weight catagory..Hehehe,but I still very much like to eat healthy I eat salads all the time.and I have been thinking of loosing weight for the heck of it.I mostly want to get toned again.I have been sitting and watching to much anime and on the computer to often.got to get rid of the little bit of chub from all the Holiday snacks....lol..Marie..^_^