True_Believer Wrote:and how did you know i was from rance Andromeda18_??? 
Well, your name's Michele and like i said before that's a French name. I also suspected you lived in Europe because you mentioned Madrid. I'm from Portugal, we don't live very far away from each other.

Yes,it has been about a week sence I started takeing them..and to my surprise I am feeling much better..Thank you to all that have been such a big help to me..Especially you Rav..
Thanks again guys for your kind words of help, you have some good points Atomic Orgasm, oooh that names abit naughty, you sound like quite the ladies man

and yeah i do need to do something to stop my brain overanalysing, i cant even sleep properly at night because im always just thinking and never slowing down, i hate being dpressed. and lol Andromeda18_ you be quite the intiutive one, yay your in Portugal very nice place been there once about 3 years ago

an its nice that those pills are working Sweet_Marie

hope you get better..thanks again to all those that tried to help me

True_Believer Wrote:and lol Andromeda18_ you be quite the intiutive one, yay your in Portugal very nice place been there once about 3 years ago 
If you ever come here again tell me something and we'll meet in person.

Sweet_Marie Wrote:Thank you to all that have been such a big help to me..Especially you Rav
no probs...all i did was help
its not like i gave you a kidney or anything
