Rorschach Wrote:What a friendly forum for conversation! Thank you for the warm welcome Cidien. Thanks especially for calling me "stupid" with absolutely no frame of reference. What an open mind you have! Ah, another angst-ridden teenager who thinks he's king of the forum...
Seriously, you have no idea how off base you are. If anyone thinks they are 'king' of the forum it isn't Cidien. If anything Cidien often is a voice of reason amidst all this ridiculous crap that pops up every week or so.
Well, that's interesting. It's unfortunate that someone who's so eager to call others stupid is considered a voice of reason in this forum. I must admit that I'm new to these forums, and I do apologize for assuming Cidien was an angst-ridden teen. In fact, through critisizing him for referring to me as stupid, I made a similar mistake when I prejudged him. And for that, again, I apologize to Cidien.
I don't have any authority here, but I do have some advice. Being at least somewhat polite is not going to hurt, especially towards someone who's new to the forums. The initial responses were unexpected and nearly drove me off, and when I tried to explain my question furthur, all I seemed to get was more grief.
That's all I have to say about that. Saying this is straying far from the original topic would be an understatement, so if you wish to say something furthur to me (except for Vicious, you're on ignore), please PM me (because this thread should probably be locked or moved).
Just for the record, I've got nothing to do with Rorschach. I've got better things to do than go around hounding Vicious for no reason. It's only when he gets on my case that I feel I need to counter his claims. Vicious hasn't done that lately, so there's no reason to keep bugging the guy.
Thanks for your support, beboprules, and I certainly hope Cidien was referring to crate digga, and NOT me. I normally don't hold grudges for long, but if Cidien's finger was pointed at me, I might have to change that policy.
Oh, one last thing for the record.
I was NOT "hounding" Vicious by IMing him or whatever other conversations he felt like making up to furthur his cause. I don't even know his IM screen name. Although it was clever of him to create a personality that uses olde english or whatever he was claiming I used. Oh yeah, the changes in capitalization, grammer, and punctuation were nice touches as well.
Rorschach Wrote:Oh, one last thing for the record.
I was NOT "hounding" Vicious by IMing him or whatever other conversations he felt like making up to furthur his cause. I don't even know his IM screen name. Although it was clever of him to create a personality that uses olde english or whatever he was claiming I used. Oh yeah, the changes in capitalization, grammer, and punctuation were nice touches as well.
That's a blatant lie!!!! Anyone that has been on this forum might say that I'm a total asshole at times, but they will all agree that I do NOT lie. NEVER!!!! Even people I don't get along with like Robojack or HBK can't accuse me of ever lieing.
Thank you for proving to everyone what type of person you really are, you lieing prick. First I thought Cidien was wrong. But now I know you're a reincarnation/friend of someone on here either present or past. Otherwise, you'd have no reason to do that crap and then totally deny it in an attempt to make me look like a liar.
Vicious Wrote:NEVER!!!! Even people I don't get along with like Robojack or HBK can't accuse me of ever lieing.
You are bringing me into this crap again? Of course, you lied before.
hbk101 Wrote:You are bringing me into this crap again? Of course, you lied before.
When? I've never lied to you or anyone else. Is this one of your alter egos? I mean you've been MIA for awhile now, but 8 minutes after I make this post, here you are. Seems a little too convenient to be a coincidence.
That solves that mystery. I thought it was LE for a sec, but I should have realized the English was too good to be him. And I have commented on you making up personalities on here before and pointed out the similarities in the grammar, thus your mentioning:
'Oh yeah, the changes in capitalization, grammer, and punctuation were nice touches as well.'
It's all in the details son. Too bad you were too stupid to realize that. I knew someone would fall for the bait when I mentioned you and Robojacks names. I just didn't think it'd be this soon. Thanks for clearing this up for us so fast.
And an apology to robojack because it obviously wasn't him that was behind this.
I've been missing in action? What the crap are you talking about? I posted something as recently as last night in another thread. Are you sick or something? You have a paranoid in which you think people are conspiring against you. I was following this crap and was not going to post here until you mention my name.
You lied before. That is a fact.
couldnt someone IM someone using the a fake ID and claim to someone else?
Rorsch83I take it you are not a native english speaker?
Rorsch83: I guess it's common knowledge that you are an illiterate asshole.
PrymeTm21: fe fi fo fum
PrymeTm21: whose this dumb fuck that is IM me
Rorsch83: 'Tis me, Rorschach.
PrymeTm21: u've been blocked. whatever you want to say to me, u can say to me in the forums.
cnanthavong Wrote:couldnt someone IM someone using the a fake ID and claim to someone else?
Someone could register as someone else (if that SN isn't taken) and pretend to be that person, but seriously, who is gonna take the time to do that? But then again, I never thought that HBK would go to the trouble of making up these fake SN's on here either.
HBK, I'm done with you. You've been busted. It's over. I have no use for you anymore. Be gone.
Vicious Wrote:Someone could register as someone else (if that SN isn't taken) and pretend to be that person, but seriously, who is gonna take the time to do that? But then again, I never thought that HBK would go to the trouble of making up these fake SN's on here either.
HBK, I'm done with you. You've been busted. It's over. I have no use for you anymore. Be gone.
You are such a liar. I've been loggin onto this site everyday. After I posted last night in 'trade discrimination' thread. You posted right back after mine. You even replied twice to my olympics thread. You damn well knew I was around.
You're busted!!! Liar, liar pants on fire.
What a joke, Vicious.
I guess you are claiming that Rorschach and I are one and the same.
First of all, I logged on around 5 o'clcok and continued on since. Looking at Rorschach's last reply, it was around 5:45. That means we were both active during same time. Someone can easily verify that.
Second, you're saying that I logged on and as Rorschach logged off. That means if we are the same as you claim, our IP address has to be the same. I dare ask Zagatto (our new mod) to compare my and Rorchach's IP and tell us if they are the same. That should tell us for sure.
I can't believe I am even taking your accusation seriously, but some might. So I want this clarified once and for all.
hbk101 Wrote:You are such a liar. I've been loggin onto this site everyday. After I posted last night in 'trade discrimination' thread. You posted right back after mine. You even replied twice to my olympics thread. You damn well knew I was around.
You're busted!!! Liar, liar pants on fire.
So adamant that you had to mention it twice in back to back posts huh? Me thinks thou dost protest too much.
Kid, do u honestly think I look out for you or your posts or even know you exist? If I replied to your post twice, that's because I thought it was just another user making a post. I don't pay any attention to you.
I'd respond to your last sentence, but unlike you, I forgot what comes next. Something about hanging on wire I believe.
What a joke, Vicious.
I guess you are claiming that Rorschach and I are one and the same.
First of all, I logged on around 5 o'clcok and continued on since. Looking at Rorschach's last reply, it was around 5:45. That means we were both active during same time. Someone can easily verify that.
Second, you're saying that I logged on and as Rorschach logged off. That means if we are the same as you claim, our IP address has to be the same. I dare ask Zagatto (our new mod) to compare my and Rorchach's IP and tell us if they are the same. That should tell us for sure.
I can't believe I am even taking your accusation seriously, but some might. So I want this clarified once and for all.
cnanthavong Wrote:couldnt someone IM someone using the a fake ID and claim to someone else?
Acually it's relativly easy to hack an AIM acount. I'm not saying I've done it (that's illegal). Roposchnar(or whatever), quit being a dumbass. I don't think you egging on Vicious is very 'mature'. You say your gonna ignore his post yet you don't. So, sit down and eat your pudding or I'll put my spanish on.
HBK101, no way you're as much of an idiot as this dude.
Well Ropie welcome to club dumbass I'll be your tour guide. You can pic up your towels at the sign-in table. Oh, here's your free pic:
![[Image: Popenoob.jpg]](