Vicious, I bet you think you're real clever. You have real problems if you're making up situations and conversations pretending that everyone is against you. I generally get along really well with people, and it takes quite a bit to get a rise out of me, as evidenced by my first response to you (which was calm and polite, in my opinion). On the other hand, it appears that you have had problems with people in the past. I wonder what the common link is. "Draw your own conclusions." Maybe I'm not the prick. Maybe the problem isn't me, but you.
Perhaps it is. Now ask me if I give a fuck?
Perhaps there is a reason I piss off people like you and the rest of the Power Rangers. You think that might be by design and not by accident? It helps me weed out the idiots like you so I know who I'm dealing with real quick.
And why are you IM me and responding to me in the forums? I thought you were done with me? And how am I making up situations? Are you denying IM me, not once but twice? I didn't make up any situations.
But I'm sure that's why you wanted to IM me rather than speaking to me in public. It's easier to lie about stuff when noone else is around to confirm it right? Also, we can all see how 'polite' you are in your initial IM to me. I hate fake people like you that try to put on this facade in public to make yourself look good.
Vicious Wrote:I personally think it's rude and insulting to people like Peter that put in their own free time writing up a bunch of those reviews when people come in here like this prick and start questioning the integrity of the reviews. He's asking us what we think about the sets? Who does he think is writing the reviews?
There's more to it than just that you know? I read all of the El Hazard The Ultimate Collection's reviews and then asked people here in the forum if the video quality of The Magnificent World series was really as bad as the reviewers said. Everybody that replied said that it wasn't really all that bad and that the people who reviewed El Hazard were just picky. So, even if the ones who write the reviews are the ones who come to this forum that doesn't mean there isn't somebody else who thinks differently. Like Terrex who didn't notice the sync problems rarnom did.
Dear Vicious,
I have decided to take responsibility, be the mature one and ignore your future posts. This was a childish argument to begin with, and I've wasted a good amount of time bickering with you. I don't know why you feel you have to create situations and conversations that never happened in order to strengthen your argument. Very childish. I just want you to know that in the future, try not to greet new users with sarcastic posts and then proceed to call them pricks and put words in their mouths when they question your attitude. Anyways, I'd like to thank everyone else for their polite responses and especially thank the people who posted reviews. They were very helpful.
Andromeda, you have a point. It all depends on whose done the review and how many reviews there are for that series. But if there's 8 or 10 reviews there, I'm sure not all of them overlooked it.
Rorschach Wrote:I just want you to know that in the future, try not to greet new users with sarcastic posts and then proceed to call them pricks and put words in their mouths when they question your attitude.
What words did I put in your mouth? It's all there in black and white, aside from your secretive IM's to me.
Terrex Wrote:Really? I've watched my Lain set multiple times with the english audio turned on and I have yet to see any synching issues. Which parts have this un-synching problem?
You know I was just going on a review I read a while ago when I was first contemplating the set. I went and reread the 9 reviews and only that one mentioned out of sync audio, so it appears that it isn't a problem with all the sets... Now of course I do have this set and haven't watched it yet :o (you know, big backlog of anime...) but I do see my man r00ster did review it, and if he didn't find a problem, then there isn't one.

i have had problems with these:
Nadescio tv - out of sync and also alot of skipping on certain dvd players.
His and her sircomstances - out of sync eng dubb
Rahxephon - 3rd disc menu problems takes liek a min to pop up.
FMP - out of sync on i think it was 2 episodes not back to back ones.
there are a few more but its been awhile.
Last Exile Wrote:i have had problems with these:
His and her sircomstances - out of sync eng dubb
Again, I own this set and have watched it with the english dub and I didn't notice any out of synch-ness. Of course I have the R1's now, so there'd be no way of checking.
My, my, more childish bitching on these forums.
What helps is too check other reviews by the reviewers to see if they are picky reviewers and maybe they've reviewed a set that you own yourself so you can compare that review to your thoughts in the set.
Nina182B Wrote:I have all those sets as FX except for FLCL (I don't know which one I have because there is no symbol.. but probably MAC because someone reviewed FX FLCL saying it had extras and mine didn't) .
The FX version don't have extras. I remember the old MI (no ENG dub) one had some extras.
Rorschach Wrote:Dear Vicious,
I have decided to take responsibility, be the mature one and ignore your future posts. This was a childish argument to begin with, and I've wasted a good amount of time bickering with you. I don't know why you feel you have to create situations and conversations that never happened in order to strengthen your argument. Very childish. I just want you to know that in the future, try not to greet new users with sarcastic posts and then proceed to call them pricks and put words in their mouths when they question your attitude. Anyways, I'd like to thank everyone else for their polite responses and especially thank the people who posted reviews. They were very helpful.
Am I the only person here who think this guy talks/acts just like a certain other board member. And again, it's a person with only a few posts. It may be a new person but it also may just be that same retard trying to make Vicious look bad and making himself look like an idiot every time. Either that or we have a lot of stupid people visit these forums. I'd like to at least hope it's only one person.
Cidien Wrote:Am I the only person here who think this guy talks/acts just like a certain other board member. And again, it's a person with only a few posts. It may be a new person but it also may just be that same retard trying to make Vicious look bad and making himself look like an idiot every time.
If you are refering to Robojack, I think that's very unfair to him because Robojack wouldn't be asking those kinds of questions about FX. Please, let's be fair to everyone without the personal grudge impairing our good judgement.
Cidien Wrote:Am I the only person here who think this guy talks/acts just like a certain other board member. And again, it's a person with only a few posts. It may be a new person but it also may just be that same retard trying to make Vicious look bad and making himself look like an idiot every time. Either that or we have a lot of stupid people visit these forums. I'd like to at least hope it's only one person.
It is just becoming obvious that there are members here who are way too obsessed with mr. Vicous.
What a friendly forum for conversation! Thank you for the warm welcome Cidien. Thanks especially for calling me "stupid" with absolutely no frame of reference. What an open mind you have! Ah, another angst-ridden teenager who thinks he's king of the forum...
beboprules Wrote:If you are refering to Robojack, I think that's very unfair to him because Robojack wouldn't be asking those kinds of questions about FX. Please, let's be fair to everyone without the personal grudge impairing our good judgement.
He's talking about that super ghetto crate digga whatever guy.
Rorschach Wrote:What a friendly forum for conversation!
Wait . . . I'm trying to find where it says that in your registration agreement . . . nope, don't say anything about being friendly. So I think it's safe to say that you can stop mentioning it everytime someone looks in your direction in a manner that you don't like.
rarnom Wrote:It is just becoming obvious that there are members here who are way too obsessed with mr. Vicous.
You think?
Not exactly the type of fan club I envisioned, but what you gonna do?