Don't you all hate it when a good anime has that one character who's voice so so annoying and shrill you want to just fast forward though every time the character talks I have two off the top of my head I can think of that are to much Merril the cat character from Escaflowne I got so sick of her voice every time "Lord Vaughn" was yelled. The other is the cat character from Outlaw Star . Anybody else have any that come to mind?
Lacus Clyne's voice in Gundam SEED's dub. Ugh.
Some of the most annoying dub voices (in my opinion):
Wendee Lee as Tina Foster in Ai Yori Aoshi (I really hate the Southern Bell accent they use for the different dialect).
Almost all of the V.A.'s in Crest of the Stars (although they did get better in Banner).
all Voices in Sailor Moon S and SuperS were horrible especially Sailor Moons and Chibi Moons So annoying
i hate the VA of pegasuas in 4Kids version of Yu-Gi-Oh.
no good VA of spongebob squarepants!! (IMO i like Patrick), although this isn't anime and is a cartoon, still i have to say the Voice of him sux.
Look who decided to join us after promising he'd never post at Animeniacs anymore.
The girl who did the english voice for Misato in Evangelion. I hated her. And also the girl who did the english voice for Rei in Evangelion. I absolutely love dubs, but let's face it, that Eva dub was pretty horrible.
Everything that's got Hillary Haag in it, sorry Vicious I needed to say it
cause it's the truth
Quote:Originally posted by Peter
Everything that's got Hillary Haag in it, sorry Vicious I needed to say it
cause it's the truth
What???!!!!! No taste. No taste I tell ya. I'm not talking to you anymore.

Anyone from funimation. The entire Tekkaman Blade 2 dub. Everyone from Trigun. That will do for now.
I also think Merle from Escaflowne was annoying right along with Dilandau.
Pretty much all the chicks from Love Hina are annoying.
Kuwabara from Yu Yu Hakusho used to bug me but he actually grew on me to the point that I think I like his voice now.
The main chick in Vandread, forgot her name.
Most the characters from both Robotech and the original Mobile Suit Gundam bugged me.
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Anyone from funimation. The entire Tekkaman Blade 2 dub. Everyone from Trigun. That will do for now.
That's kind of a broad statement. Do your really hate all of them? Blue Gender was pretty good as was Yu Yu Hakusho, I think. Not trying to start a debate, just wondering if you care to clarify.
The first one I remember ever annoying me was Project A-Ko. It seemed like "How to Make Annoying Dubs 101". I never did make it to the end of that tape.
More recently, watching 801 Airbats TT (or whatever it's called) annoyed me a lot. Fortunately the subtitles were decent... even then, the original voices were still pretty annoying.
Vash's voice actor, you know the black power ranger.
Every VA in Ayashi no Ceres.
Most of the VA in Love Hina.
Jean in Nadia, ADVs version.
Most of the VA in Scryed.
Kenshin's voice, sounds like a child molester.
Detective Conan's cast is pretty crappy too.
I think one of the only series I've ever somewhat appreciated in its English-dubbed form is Cowboy Bebop. But that doesn't mean I like it more than the Japanese dub, since Megumi Hayashibara does a kickass job as Faye.
But the VAs in Full Metal Panic annoyed me to no end. Sousuke's entire personality was changed, since the english VA added too much emotion his voice. And certain characters, such as Teletha Testarossa (Tessa), somewhat lifeless in the English dub, when the Japanese dub made her quite melodical in tone and pitch. Kaname Chidori sounded like an oba-san (older woman) in the English dub, and not so much the feisty character I'm used to in the Japanese dub.