rarnom Wendee Lee outside of the voice of Spike in BeBop was my fav of the entire series. She does a pretty god job with Angel on Big-O also. She has a very sensual voice. Differnce of opinion I guess no big thing
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
rarnom Wendee Lee outside of the voice of Spike in BeBop was my fav of the entire series. She does a pretty god job with Angel on Big-O also. She has a very sensual voice. Differnce of opinion I guess no big thing
Don't sweat it, I know I am in the minority on that one...

Kenshin's dub has to be the worst. Who hired that guy to do his voice?!
Quote:Originally posted by meoryo
Kenshin's dub has to be the worst. Who hired that guy to do his voice?!
Another difference of opinion here. I absolutely love Kenshins voice. I don't think they could have done much better. He has a great goofy voice but can still do a good serious voice.
Quote:Originally posted by rarnom
Don't sweat it, I know I am in the minority on that one...
Yes you are. Wendee Lee is awesome. Second only to you know who.
And Richard Hayorth played Kenshin in the TV series. I thought he did a fine job. I didn't see much wrong with his performance.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
And Richard Hayorth played Kenshin in the TV series. I thought he did a fine job. I didn't see much wrong with his performance.
His voice didnt suit Kenshin at all, and I think he had problems pronouncing japanese names/attacks etc. I think the dubbing for Rurouni Kenshin is just horrible. Sanosuke's voice is probably worse than Kenshins. His voice is way to deep and he lacked expression entirely.
I think sometimes a great dub from one series can ruin the dub in another Example the voices of Roger Smith, and Angle from Big O are done by the same two who do Spike and Faye in Cowboy Bebop. Ever time I see Big O now I alway think of Spike and Faye when I hear the character talk
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
the girl with the pink hair from airbats (cant remember her name) her voice is so annoying
Almost all of the girls voices in Love Hina. Worst I have ever heard.
Makes me really wonder why people always bring back threads that are supposed to be dead long ago.....
It wouldn't have died if it kept the interests of others, would have kept going just like the "My Girlfriend" thread in general discussion............

Worst dubs:
Everyone in Love Hina and Evangelion. Some of GTO
As for decent dubs:
Cowboy Bebop and FLCL
CrayonShinChan Wrote:The main character from Sailormoon. Dear god, if i met her in real life i WOULD stab her.
Holy crap, yeah.
This is where everyone will shoot me... I really am not enjoying Excel Saga. Bringing it back to the dubs, well Excel is just a chore to listen to. Her voice is annoying, but at that speed, it's killer. I keep watching though (Especially since i bought the box set based on reviews).
gohan32 Wrote:Holy crap, yeah.
This is where everyone will shoot me... I really am not enjoying Excel Saga. Bringing it back to the dubs, well Excel is just a chore to listen to. Her voice is annoying, but at that speed, it's killer. I keep watching though (Especially since i bought the box set based on reviews).
I didn't like Excel Saga much either. But that was due to the storyline, not the voice acting. Excel was hard as shit to voice. They had to change VA's for Excel halfway through, because the original VA's voice/throat couldn't handle voiceing Excel anymore.
[QUOTE=Japschin]Makes me really wonder why people always bring back threads that are supposed to be dead long ago..... [QUOTE]
You are definately right on this one I started and had left this thread for dead two months ago. No big thing, I think its cool that a thread I started so far back can still spark conversation or debate.
kazuto izuka from world of narue