Usually when I want anime first in Japanese audio, I will never get used to the english voices. But whenever I want english first and go to Japanese, it doesn't bother me at all. Weird, eh? Kare Kano VAs are what's sticking out of my head right now. I tried to watch that in english and couldn't stand it.
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
That's kind of a broad statement. Do your really hate all of them? Not trying to start a debate, just wondering if you care to clarify.
It's no problem. I really can't stand all of them. Some dubs I can sit through if it's on tv and someone else is watching it but I have to leave the room if those particular ones are on.
Someone mentioned yesterday that all the voices in Trigun were annoying granted Vash can be at times and some of the bad guys are but Wolfwood and Milly and Meril are not bad
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
Someone mentioned yesterday that all the voices in Trigun were annoying granted Vash can be at times and some of the bad guys are but Wolfwood and Milly and Meril are not bad
Well, the same guy that played Vash plays Claus in Last Exile and Kiba in Wolf's Rain. And he's doing a great job in those roles IMO.
The main character from Sailormoon. Dear god, if i met her in real life i WOULD stab her.
Majin-buu from DBZ - gave me such a headache. x_x
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
Majin-buu from DBZ - gave me such a headache. x_x
While a little worse in English the Japanese Buu was also very annoying. The dub did a good job of transfering his voice from Japanese to English, the problem was the Japanese source.
The most annoying dub voice IMO is Misaki from Angelic Layer. Her voice is so annoying when she gets emotional and she sounds whiny all the time. The best voice dub is Aoi from AI Yori Aoshi, her voice is perfect for Aoi. Another good voice is Kurumi from steel angel, her voice is funny and cool when she says MASTER lol

I like most dubs but Bible Black was hilarious.........dub-wise >_> the rest was awful
Johnny Yong Bosch annoys the hell out of me. I hate his voice with a passion. [He's Vash, Kiba, Kaneda in the new Akira dub. . .]
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
While a little worse in English the Japanese Buu was also very annoying. The dub did a good job of transfering his voice from Japanese to English, the problem was the Japanese source.
Ah ok, i don't think i ever heard the japanese one.
Emmm not seen enough Dubs to really voice an ooinion but the Sailormoon series Dubs are pretty bad!
Has anyone else noticed that the little kitty character usually has the most anoying voice in any anime series alomost?
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one though
D. Wolfwood
I think they should take sound clips from real cats instead of having humans sound retarded trying to sound like a cat. I agree that it's usually very annoying. (if this is what you are talking about)
Also, the same is true of most cat characters. They usually have higher pitched annoying whiney voices.
I always disliked Wendee Lee as Faye in Bebop. Once I heard the japanese VA everything was more enjoyable. I am sure there are other annoying dubs, but I probably will never hear them...:p
OK well as far as the annoying voices go then. Did the same person do the voice of Meryl in Escaflowne in the Dub as the Katar Katar girl in Outlaw Star???
I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood