Yeah I wish I could be at a comp all day at work too.... it sucks.... well I am just going to say one comp for like 40 shop airmen is just way to little the only time I get ont he comp is my/morg's comp at home and that is not much time..... well I am going camping today so I will talk toyou all later.... I wish you could be here to Morg. I miss you
Wow, camping. It has been ages since I have gone camping. I would say the last time I went camping was a week ago but staying outside in your front yard inside of a tent doesn't count. Anyhow off roading in a golf cart is so much mroe fun. :p .
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
Wow, camping. It has been ages since I have gone camping. I would say the last time I went camping was a week ago but staying outside in your front yard inside of a tent doesn't count. Anyhow off roading in a golf cart is so much mroe fun. :p .
That reminds me my sister is trying to talk me into sleeping in the front yard next weekend in a tent with friends :confused:
Eh, yeah, me in a tent....oh, wait, let me also say; me with friends that I could communicate with without the use of a computer????NEVER!
Ok, I guesss technically that's untrue about 1 once every 3 months..
Why is your sister trying to talk you into sleeping in the front yard?
Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
Why is your sister trying to talk you into sleeping in the front yard?
Because most of my friends are in a way her friends, therefore she's using that idea to get boys over hear so she can act like a...nvm on all the personal stuff, but that's why.
Oh, now I get it!

Oh yes the sister using her brother to talk to his friends. My sister did that. Found out she made out with a couple of them. The things we tell are siblings when we get older.
Akane - have fun camping. I know I would. I want to go canoeing so bad. The weather here is so dry. Makes we wish for some rain.
Batik - Off roadng in a golf kart...? You must explain...
WEll I am soo sore today because I went tubeing yesterday. but I had alot of fun...... except for the whole almost dying part....... My sup was driving the boat and he went through a mud bog thing and almost ruined his prop on is boat but I was the one on the tube and got mud splattered all over me and I was sooooo freaked then as he stopped I rolled on by a rock that was like sticking out of the water like almost 8 inches..... SCARY.... Anyways I am still alive and well.....I am jsut sore from holding on to the tube......

Eh, sounds like you had fun. And condradz on staying alive

That sounds like a scary situation. Good to see you are still alive though.
Now about the golf kart. I went over to my friends house and my other friend and I looked at the golf kart. He said that we would be able to go for a drive in an hour. My other friend was really hyped about it. Later when the three of us went down to look at a house that his family was building, we took the golf cart and of course he drove because he didn't trust my other friend with the golf cart. He had to go inside for something and came back out. He decided to do a trick move like jumping out of the golf cart onto a rope. It was kind of funny though because it was not moving but he left the key in...
My other friend grabbed hold of the wheel and sped off with me in the cart while my other friend was still dangling on the rope. After a while I noticed that I was closest to the drivers seat and took over because she (sad to say) was driving like a lune. We saw my friend running off the road and so the fun began. We hunted him down off road . We picked him up and then all of us hauled ass accross the 20 acre property and back to his house. It looked great on film. The reason for the golf cart (aside from the fact that we were lazy) was we needed it for a scene in our " Curse of the Ouiji Board" movie. Lol.
Damn, this was a long post! You mean you have this on film I want to see.
Wow, this has been a successful thread.
OK, back to Morg's request on page 5,
The story of how i met Katie:
I had this dirty friend (Toolie) who tempted another friend (Briggs) into peeking in on a girl showering. They called me up to notify me that that very girl found me to be "cute" from the last time she saw me at Toolie's. I was pumped b/c she came highly recommended by those dirtball peeping toms. I came over ASAP, and met Katie. The two of us were watching Toolie play Morrowind, and i simply leaned over and kissed her. It's so odd how things can escalate. From such a poor start, i found a girl that i devoted myself to for a year. My paycheck was always 10% anime 80% Katie and then gas of course. There was more between us than monetary devotion, but that takes too much time to explain. I saw it coming, but it was a part of her to be partying. She had no idea of how to party properly though, always with truly dirty guys. She "had relations" with another guy while drunk, and didn't tell me about it for a month. I still stayed with her, but things got worse and sometimes you have to think of what is good for yourself, so when she wanted to end it and be friends with benefits, i said no, b/c the emotions that i'd still have would be too much (though she doesn't know that's why).
Note: I tried to keep it short, and PG-13
I wish you could see it. It was funny as hell. XD. We are going to finish our movie tomorrow I think. At the end we were going to have fun stuff like different ideas for my friend dying. The friend that hijacked the kart with me in it wanted to be killed off so she could be the camera person. We were going to have the different ways that she could have died (getting eaten by a doll, getting run over, being get the point.) because she thoght it would be funny. And the ouiji board outtakes. Those were hillarious. So many times my friend said stuff when he didn't know we were taping.
He would say stuff like "We need another close up of her...don't glare at me! I am hungry anyone want Pirates Booty?" Then my other friend would respond with something like " I am going to kick your 'booty' if you don't stop talking!" " What is wrong afraid to say ass?" The next scene was her jumping on top of him and hitting him with a rolled up sleeping bag. The scene after that was me getting my close up. It sucks that it had to me in the corner laughing my ass off. Good times...and more to come tomorrow lol.
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
Wow, this has been a successful thread.
OK, back to Morg's request on page 5,
The story of how i met Katie:
Gohan32 - Thanks I think this has been a great thread as well. Only pictures of Ourselves is doing better thanks to the "lovely ladies" posting pics of them selfs. Sorry to hear about you and Katie. But a love lost is a love once had. And like Queen says, "Just one year of love, is better than a lifetime alone."
Batik - I want a DVd please I will pay shipping and handling....please, pretty please with sugar on top. Did I tell you how cute you look today...
Well You are telling all these people that they are pretty and evrything and I am getting swept to the side (a dramatic arm to the head)... Just kidding sweetie.... WEll I had to tell you guys on the net that I had a very heroic moment today....... it was that I save sme baby ducks today..... well this is the story I came home from work early...(YEAH)... ANyways and the mail guy came to the door and he said there were these baby ducks stuck in the grate across the street and I am the only one that he had found home........anyways I called the police dept. and they directed my call to animal control then he came out and he was like ......,"well I can't do anything .........So he called in the city and they came over and pulled up the grate and then the babies came to the side so we could reach them..... oh and by the way this whole time the momma was quaking away trying to save her babies(sad face).......then I had to get my fish net and helo the city guys out by pulling them out of the drain....... and the end of the story is........ the momma nd her ducklings were brought back to gether again.....(yeah) And I helped....... kudos for me...... never a dull moment around my house.......