dude those days of safety pins, ripped tabk tops and spikes are sooooo yday for me!
by God i was.. like seen as being a Total Freak, esp when your of Ethnic Origin! All the other asians are all trying to be Bling Bling then you got me sticking out! now i do EMO Punk, Retro, funk clothing , a bit of skate and BMX thrown in for good measure whos in a Post HardCore Band!
i wear nothing of how i used to, i realised that it was that which made most women run away from me! thus my self esteem has taken a few blows but
Finally i'm back on track and dont give a fuck! well for the past week or so anyway

black tee shirt and jeans thats all for me, its too much work to stand out. i'm just burn out on the whole thing.
See, when you get kinda old, you don't give a shit anymore. It comes to a point where you go from spending way too long putting clothes together to go with your style to finally being efficient and sometimes just being downright lazy and taking about 10 seconds putting on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, most likely wrinkled as hell.
Lucky. I am one of those weird people that you think are not human. I recall someone saying that my brain would fry from the heat. Let me clear that up. I am weird because I wear excessive ammounts of layers. I go out of the house with no less than five layers of clothing. And I always cary my lucky chain wallet

. Gotta love that thing. Just the other day it was at least 90 degrees out and I was still wearing all of my layers. My friend was yelling at me " Idiot, take those damn layers off! You are going to collapse from a heat stroke! Are you listening to me?! I said take that off!." This was my reaction " :eek: ." And then then the bad part came when I was stripped down to two layers. It was so humiliating. Just imagine. Two people sitting down on the grass when one decides to tackle them and tear most of their clothes off, all because they wanted the other person to suffer (bad image). I am scarred for life ;__________;... Man, I talk too much.
I might still wear safty pins today if not for the fact that at one point it was becoming onew of the reject things to do; I'll do what I like for fashion till a huge group of people pick it up around here, because normally they give your style a bad name. I don't want to be judged or hated just because some idiot fixes his clothes the same as myself. Which I still kept one pair of shorts with a a safety pin in them, which then again it had been in so long it had rusted; I think my parent took it out, or threw them away.
Anyways, while near the subject (in my mind), does anyone else hate Hot Topic?
They're the only people that carry my kind of music off-line, or else I'd probably never go there (well, maybe for finger nail polish, but still I could always get that at Wal-Mart).
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
[BAnyways, while near the subject (in my mind), does anyone else hate Hot Topic?
They're the only people that carry my kind of music off-line, or else I'd probably never go there (well, maybe for finger nail polish, but still I could always get that at Wal-Mart). [/B]
its not so much that i hate hot topic so much as i hate what i call "hot topic kids." you all know these kids, the ones you see that have obviously bought everything they are wearing (down to the hair dye) at hot topic. hot topic isnt necessarily a bad store, but it has customers that i do not care for.
as for music, im not sure if they have locations where you are, but there is a chain of stores around here called record and tape traders, and they deal with all kinds of music, and they will order anything you want if its still "in print." but i dont even know if they are outside of maryland.
probably not much help.
I would have to agree with Vile on this one. I do not like it when people wear all of their clothes from Hot Topic. I have nothing against the store (well, not very much) but I do not like how mostly everything from there looks the same (like black and red colors) although I do not have too much of a problem with it. My brother has dragged me in there countless times and I watched as he bought all of his boring and sometimes completely outrageous clothing. Nothing against the music so far as I can tell. ^_____^.
I agree with yalls disliking of the kids who shop their, which is part of what I mean.
The other half is the fact taht they "make" kids that are like those you talk about. The kids that want to do the "goth" thing go their because it's sterotyped as the gothic type store, & therefore, they're the leader of the Gothic/Punk styles, something that goths & punks are supposed to be against. The whole I deal of Punk junk is to be yourself, not to wear what represents the sterotype class you want to fit into.
Plus, the "hot topic" is a direct contridiction of what they stand for. And what really peed me off was that the one closest to here "toned down" their music that they played to suit those who shopped their. They went from playing stuff like The Clash, The Misfits, & the older stuff & started playing Good Charlotte & Sum 41 when the "norms" started shoping there more often, & that's how I catagorize selling out; compromising yourself to either get attention or money. Which I had thought the workers picked the music, so it may have changed when the people that worked there changed.
Plus my ideas could be warped becasue every wanna be goth around here shops there.
Also in closing I'd like to say people that are freak out by Nekrophillia should not wear stupid shirts like that damn one that says something about cracking open a cold one, which is such a misrepresented statement that even though I understand it, I don't even understandhow you could apply that to the general idea. Why do I say all this, I get tired of stupid little dumb fu*ks (no offense to yall out there like this) who wear stupid sh!t like "please don't talk to me when I'm talking to myself" & then either don't even like what the shirt applies to, or do not practice any of what the shirt says, they just wear them to be weird, because being weird is the "in" thing

Agreed. I can't believe that they got rid of the Misfits ;_______; . They were one of my favorite bands. I remember walking into Hot Topic a while ago and hearing "Bring Me Back to Life." I have to say, I saw some scary crap going down. There was so much stuff that didn't belong there. Especially Evanescence (sorry to those who may like them).
Correction, I don't even need them for music

wentehir yestarday, & the only thing that I nearly bought was a Punk v.s. Emo set, & that's jsut because I knew half the bands on their & it was 10 bucks for two disc, like the Warped tour, but I was only there to look for Mad Sin & The Meteors, which they didn't have; this is the gay thing. Hot Topic is all about making money off of sterotypes, or atleast working with the ones set by the world, that granted I'd like to knopw, while at the same time do know, why they don't have psychobilly CDs (talking about the old stuff) there. Even though it's more of a older rockish sound, the lyrics cause people to relate it to "devil music" which is how many old foke label heavy metal, punk, & gothic stuff.
So why is it that they don't have the older sounds even though their card states it's all about the music? Money! You can buy all the AFI, Tiger Army, & HorrorPops cds you like there because they're popular. And by this I don't mean in the underground, I mean atleast 33% of the US has heard of them/like them.
I just think they should stay true to the music & actual carry what they represent, although yes I do realize it's unethnical, & I'm just upset that they don't have my kind of music there.
Hot Topic doesnt exist in the UK
but sounds very sellout store
PS MISFITS WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! totally kicked ass when i saw em last year, i got a gash on my head at that gig and my face was all bloody from all the moshing i even got to go on stage coz Glenn thought i looked cool

Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Hot Topic doesnt exist in the UK
but sounds very sellout store
They're the people who tell kids how to be both punk & goth....yeah...they tell a bunch of people how to be something they're claiming they are on the inside; telling them what trends are popular in the underground...kind of a contridiction in the end.
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
PS MISFITS WOOOOOOOOO!!!!! totally kicked ass when i saw em last year, i got a gash on my head at that gig and my face was all bloody from all the moshing i even got to go on stage coz Glenn thought i looked cool
He thought you were cool because of the wound? If so, did he know it was real? Because many musicains would normally stay a yard or so away in fear of grems/diseases. But, if they knew it was real & still wanted you up there, then that's super cool

Sounds like it was a load of fun. In a situation like that I would say "Hot damn, that was cool!" Sound familiar? *points to the signature* Lol. I have no idea why I say that or how I came accross that saying. I will think about it on the ride. Oh yeah, anyone notice how I have changed the way I speak? Alright, probably not but it has changed a little. *stands proud* heh heh

. I am actually starting to sound normal but people still say I speak with a little accent (hard to explain if you have never heard my voice or anything....sounds kind of British though). Well, I will try to spell it out. Whenever I am serious or speak really fast, I break my normal speaking habits and say every last letter of a word. Alright, I am not helping to explain things any better. I give up. I will put it this way. I sound funny -________-.
i prefer the misfits with danzig singing, now he is just danzig. don't get me wrong, jerry only has done a good job keeping the band alive. I hate hot topic, i only go there to get mario bros and johnny the homicidal maniac stuff, i don't even have to do that but its just too damn convenient.