I was once reading a thing about how a bunch of people out there have the God hand from Berserk tattooed on them, & I was starting to think, how many of you out there (around here) either have an anime tattoo, would like one, or plans on getting one.
I myself will probably get the God Hand done on the underside of my left forearm, just because I think it's cool.
So, how about you guys?
My friend has the Godhand brand on his neck just like Guts/Gatts/Gattsu.
I am going to get that on my arm eventually. Right now I just have a non-anime related tattoo on my lower back.
No god hands on me... actually no ink on me at all. If I do get a tattoo, it will be a Shazam type thunder bolt covering my left shoulder (flat edge across the top of the shoulder with the point running down between the bicep and tricep).
My wife still has her Totoro tattoo on her thigh. Our daughter points to it and shrieks "TOTORO" whenever she gets a chance to see it.
I won't get a tattoo, but if i did it would be the rebel alliance insignia.
I'd be afraid to have a Totoro tattoo.

I just don't wanna end up like that guy from that Cowboy Bebop episode "Heavy Metal Queen". Plus tattoos have a tendency to stretch with your skin. I heard about a woman who got a horse tattooed on her chest and some years later the thing looked like a giraffe.:p No tattoos for me thanks. Hehehe.
Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
I'd be afraid to have a Totoro tattoo.
I just don't wanna end up like that guy from that Cowboy Bebop episode "Heavy Metal Queen". Plus tattoos have a tendency to stretch with your skin. I heard about a woman who got a horse tattooed on her chest and some years later the thing looked like a giraffe.:p No tattoos for me thanks. Hehehe.
"I love eels!"
I'd probably get a tattoo of one of the Gravion girls in her lacy underwear. Or nothing at all (not a fan of the ink).

ew, anime tattoos? Bleh...
I'm looking for a good anime tattoo.. but can't find any good one... so far i only have cloud swords (FF7) and FF8 logo where the guy and the girl hugging each other..... anyone know a good anime picture???
A good friend of mine has the Pill from Akira on his shoulder.
Heh I think most people would think he likes drugs and not realize what the pill is from. It could be from anything.. But that would be a cool tattoo.
Yeah he got it back in 1990 so you can only imagine, people back then didn't really make a referance to anime at all.
Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God
I will definatley be getting this on my back someday.. The star from Hellsing...
That's something like the star I wanted on my hand. I wanted a pentagram with Blood Sex Sin Death Darkness, one each at the points of the star; if I could I'd try to translate them into Japanese or Chinese, but I'm about to lazy to look it up.
I came up with the idea of what I call my Vampyric Circle back when I had a loosing streak in card games. The cool thing being, was that no matter the odds, if I pulled out my good luck charm (the above written on a piece of paper) who ever's side of the table the charm was on would never loose. And by never loose, I mean I've put it on the side of a kid who was about one turn away from loosing, & he won. Also by never loose, I don't count running out of time. Ok that came out backwards.
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
I wanted a pentagram with Blood Sex Sin Death Darkness, one each at the points of the star; if I could I'd try to translate them into Japanese or Chinese
because we all know that Japanese and CHinese characters are automatically cooler than any english syllabary...
You do realize that pentagrams have nothing to do with Japanese and Chinese mysticism, right?