I know it is none of my business or anything, but I have to say that was beautifully stated. I live in a redneck town and believe me it is ......interesting.....lots of words to be had......along with guns, booze, and evil little children with slingshots. They won't be chasing me when I get my longbow, Halberd, or samurai sword. Lol. It is sad when people will go after you to see your reaction...it could just bring someone to tears. Or maybe it is my annoying personality (one of life's unanswered questions). Well, anyway good. Once again beautifully stated! Bravo! Good-bye! ^___^
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
I know it is none of my business or anything, but I have to say that was beautifully stated. I live in a redneck town and believe me it is ......interesting.....lots of words to be had......along with guns, booze, and evil little children with slingshots. They won't be chasing me when I get my longbow, Halberd, or samurai sword. Lol. It is sad when people will go after you to see your reaction...it could just bring someone to tears. Or maybe it is my annoying personality (one of life's unanswered questions). Well, anyway good. Once again beautifully stated! Bravo! Good-bye! ^___^
You seem quite friendly, & act like a brother rambler, but there's nothing wrong with getting off topic every now & then, or in my case, every other post.
I don't think we've had a proper introduction, so Hi.

Whoa.....I haven't introduced myself..how rude of me. Well, in any case, I am Batik; at your service

. I am a nosey person (as you can see) and love to mess around which mostly lands me in tight situations but in any case, it is the fun that counts, am I correct? Lol. Sorry if I sound too strange. I have to practice for my job interviews for this summer so I will be this way for a while ( or maybe forever...everyone says I speak in a strange way). Well, I bid you farewell! ^__^.
you saying that your belief in the supernatural and stating your opinion as fact is the fault of past influence. thats such a cop out.
belief in the supernatural - were gonna have to just agree to disagree. i think it is stupid and pointless nonetheless. but we arent going to get anywhere on that.
stating your opinion as fact - if you know its an opinion, dont state it as if it is fact. just because your dad does it is no excuse for you doing it. be above that.
bad spelling and grammar - learn to spell. while you may know what a word means, your usage of it is terrible. i often have to reread several sentences in your posts just to figure out what youre trying to say. dont cop out and blame it on your old friends.
i criticize and antagonize you because youre naive and you dont seem to even know it. i would like you so much more if you just realized your age and that you dont know everything, and there is so much more that you can learn.
edit: i would hope that this brings an end to this string of posts, we have both argued our sides, and there is nothing more we can say about this that will add anything. if you disagree, then we can continue.
Vile grow up.. Just stop it. Let the bashing on him stop, just because you don't like what his own preference in getting a tattoo is or how well he spells on an internet forum.

Jaded God is right, the bashing has to stop. You speak of people being naive. Everyone in the whole damn world is naive. Get used to it. As for you speaking about people who state their opinions as facts, you are just as guilty as the person you accused. Listen to yourself. And anyone may spell how they wish to. In the Shakespeare's time, the spelling didn't even matter. This is 2004 yes, and spelling still doesn't even matter. And people can believe in the supernatural if they want to. Anything is possible, just not everyone has that open a mind to think of it. In this world, no one is right and no one is wrong. And in this forum, people are supposed to get along ;___________;.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
ok, i thought i was done with this, but here we go again.
yes, noone in the world knows everything. yes, i realize that. no, thats not what i was getting on him about. its because he is naive and doesnt seem to realize it.
and yes, spelling matters. try turning in a job application saying you got a degree at University of Mariland. doesnt fly. people can spell the way they want to, yes; however, someone not caring about their english says a decent amount about that person.
and im not stating my opinion. the fact that spelling and grammar matter is just that, a fact. try out the business world and tell me bad english is of no consequence.
and as for the supernatural. i said that we should agree to disagree. and that is how it is going to have to be. what i think about supernatural thing and what he thinks about it are different. we dont agree. i didnt say he couldnt believe it, i said it was stupid; and my opinions of his beliefs are the opinions shared by nearly all of educated society.
I would have only one thing to really say to this. This place, and forums in general are suppose to be a place to get away from the business world and the general world at that. Its suppose to be a place thats free from the stress of life and the constant grading and nit-picking of the real world. YES spelling does matter on papers, on resumes, and business/job related things....... however this isn't a business/formal forum, its a casual community.
Hell with the type of forum itself being about Anime, its not formal in the least, in fact if as an adult you said you watched anime, many people would probably give you a wierd look.
Edit: 'm sorry, I'm just in a posting mood today, it prolly wont' happen again.... I think its just cause I'm so friggin bored here, since its study week at cornell right now.
i agree with rabidsg about spelling in forums. spelling really doesn't matter, bush became president without spelling and grammar abilities. it pains me to say that since i'm a republican(democrats are to socialistic for my taste) but the truth must be told
Quote:Originally posted by rabidsg
I would have only one thing to really say to this. This place, and forums in general are suppose to be a place to get away from the business world and the general world at that. Its suppose to be a place thats free from the stress of life and the constant grading and nit-picking of the real world. YES spelling does matter on papers, on resumes, and business/job related things....... however this isn't a business/formal forum, its a casual community.
Hell with the type of forum itself being about Anime, its not formal in the least, in fact if as an adult you said you watched anime, many people would probably give you a wierd look.
Couldn't have put it better.

I truely believe that rabidsg said it better than any of us could have in a timely manner. Way to go rabidsg!

Don't you feel the love? I feel the love. Love is just abounding.
By the way I just dropped a couple of IQ points reading all that stuff.
I must state my signature for all those who just argued this pointless issue.
Hey tripp i like the avatar, i use it for my wallpaper. i got it from digitalblasphemy.com