Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
Finished Ikkitousen (Japanese w/ Subs). I really liked it 
My Review
Been trying to decide if I should buy the R1 for that. your review might have convinced me. but if I don't like it, I'm blaming you. :mad:
Watched Battle Royale finally. Witch Hunter Robin #4, Tenchi GXP #2, and Gunparade March #2.
Just finished : Gundm 0079, A Wind Named Amnesia, Kite (3 Times)
Currently : Cowboy Bebop (5th time)
Going to watch in a week during one week of vacation: Heavy Metal L-Gaim, DNA2, Video Girl Ai, Akira, Lain and if I can fit it something at random.
I am surprised I still have eyes after all the anime I watch and the radation from the TV set.:p
I'm watching Vampire Princess Miyu (Mac Perfect)
Next I'll watch the Vampire Hunter D movie collection, then move on to Haibane Renmei or Hellsing.
El hazard complete on magnificent world 2 now
Fullmoon wo sagashitte on episode 38
Fruits basket dubbed episode 23
sailor moon live action
mouse sub
final fantasy legend of the crystals
scrapped princess sub
I saw the first five episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I like it so far. And the episodes went by so fast, that is a good indicator of how well a series is liked

I started it with English dub.
Just finished Argento Soma and Lodoss TV last night. Going to jump back into Gasaraki and try to polish off Ai Yori Aoshi. Then I'll rewatch Rahxephon.
Watching Tenjou Tenge and Bakuretsu Tenshi on fansubs, all the while trying to finish off Wolf's Rain too.
Besides Evangelion... I've watched a few R1 movies:
Matrix Revolutions (Ehh... so-so ending to the Matrix, then again I didn't really think the Matrix was anything great anyway)
The Last Samurai (Even better the second time

ah, the Last Samurai, just finished watching that in World History (now that the AP exam is over we can watch movies every class). still a good movie the second time around.
anyway, back on subject, i am watching Onegai Teacher (sub and dub - i like it that much), just starting Trigun, and of course, Naruto. also, the OVA of Onegai Twins got subbed, so i wil be watching that most likely tonight.
Kaleido Star Vol 1 (R1)
Galaxy Angel Vol 1 (R1)
Samurai Deeper Kyo Vol 6 (R1)
Initial D first stage (for the gazillion time)
Marmalade Boy Part 3
One Piece Part 2
And on, and on, and on
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Been trying to decide if I should buy the R1 for that. your review might have convinced me. but if I don't like it, I'm blaming you. :mad:
Download some episodes of Tengo Tenge on fansub as a reference gauge. Ikkitousen is not as good as TenTen, especially the fights, but has far more fanservice.
Finally watching One Piece. I got the first 120 eps. from ebay. 4 box sets of six discs containing 5 eps each. I got them for $3,50 with $15 shipping per box. These are the mainland china rips (sima) and I'm very satisfied with the quality you get for this price. Subs are about 3.5/5 with some name changes and spelling errors in about half of all sentences but normal for HK originals. Some pixelation durring fast action scenes and on some eps. the audio is out of sync. for about 0,5 seconds. Still, for that price its a very good buy for someone like me since I can't download the eps.
Now I have to look for Naruto.
Just finished Evangelion... I'll have to review it. Wow, that was quite entertaining.
I then watched the first two episodes of Boogiepop Phantom. Interesting...
currently watching
Mahoromatic season 2-very funny i might add
Blue Gender
Soul Taker
plus others that i've seen many times before.
Finished watching GTO two days ago and now I'm watching Ranma 1/2 season 3.
I am watching the Tenchi box set all t have left is the 3 movies and tenchi in tokyo.
somedays dreamers
Big O (i bought the R1 for $30 at best buy)
Ranma 1/2 set 2
Full Meatle panic for the second time
One piece
and She the ultimate weapon