Currently watching:
Dai-Guard, Ursei Yatsura(for the 10th time now), and Robotech with the girlfriend, its her second time watching it and my 30th probably.
Just finished:
Gaogaigar TV
Gaogaigar Final
Currently watching:
Gundam ZZ
Macross: the perfect collection (subbed) (It's a classic, plus the new sub makes alot more sense! )
Gundam: War in the pocket (dubbed)
GTO: (dubbed)
That's cool that some are taking it a step further to say WHO they are watching it with

! Sadly, I watch my anime alone.
"Watching Anime vs Buying more" thread by Jaded God made me think... I was going to start Neon Genesis Evangelion (because I have yet to see it), but I am thinking I won't until I finish Ikkitousen and Steel Angel Kurumi... Kenshin will be on-going.
No... I'm not discouraged that thread was a good idea! I already bought Evangelion anyway

, I just haven't started it. I am anxious to though because I here it's good.
but oh soo overatted and headache prone individuals beware

Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
No... I'm not discouraged that thread was a good idea! I already bought Evangelion anyway
, I just haven't started it. I am anxious to though because I here it's good.
Yea I am not a fan of EVA. But don't let that stop you from liking it either!

Texhnolyze Vol 1 (R1), not bad at all
I've been watching the GTO live action TV series lately and I love it. I find it much better than the anime which I liked alot.
Currently watching Reboot with my girlfriend and Beast Wars so no anime for me this time, by the way GTO live action is awesome I saw it about a year ago. The last episode was the most watched live action tv show in Japan.
Finished Ikkitousen (Japanese w/ Subs). I really liked it

My Review
Going to start Neon Genesis Evangelion. Can't wait to see what I've been missing
Just got my order in the mail today, started watching full metal panic.
Trying to get through god damn boring ass Excel Saga.. and starting on the MI DBZ boxsets... Then a few Ghibli movies in between

Always rewatch the Miyazaki Ghibli films

Boys Over Flower Vol 2-3 (R1)
Angelic Layer Vol 6 (R1)