Hey all,
Today is April 14.. a year ago today Steve_the_Talking_Pie's "what are people watching?" thread recieved it's 1000 post. In addition to that "what are people watching (2nd)" was started. The 2nd edition just fell beyond the 30 day limit... so in memory I thought a similar thread should be started. Except it won't be the "3rd" because that isn't my place to take over. Because I don't want to "copy" anyone I changed the title slightly. So for those who want to talk about what they are watching and by which means.. go ahead!
I am currently watching:
Ikkitousen (Japanese w/ subs) and Rurouni Kenshin (dubbed).
Thank you for reading.
I'l give my 2 cents
I am currently watching:
Gundam The 08th MS Team (Jap w/Sub)
And finishing off X: TV Series (Dub)
That FX set of X The TV Series is damn good

I've yet to finish Kreuz WeiB & as soon as I send in my X discs I'll be able to actually watch/finish the series. I keep bugging my dad, but he won't mail them out :mad:

Both dub.
And if you count d/ls I'm watching Naruto & One Piece too; those both subbed.
Just finished:
Evangelion (once more)
Currently watching:
Plan to watch soon:
Just finished FLCL and Love Hina now i'm on to my X set.
Just finished Stereo Future.
In the middle of Gojoe.
Will start soon on The Soul Taker.
Watching GTO and nartuo. I plan on buying hellsing and arjuna or outlaw star soon.
Just Finished:
Polishing off:
Soon to start:
Trying hard to finish watching Excel Saga.. I can't stand stupid pointless no plot humor anime anymore...
Then I will be skipping all my new FX sets just to watch all my new DBZ MI sets.
just finished: soultaker (loved it, more stylish than noir, ppl should really check it out) and FMP
watching: last exile, FMP fumoffu
will start: scrapped princess
Hehe *goes to bump the 2nd what are you watching thread*
Currently watching:
Last Exile Japanese w\subs with Schultz
Witch Hunter Robin w\subs without Schultz
Currently: Yu Yu Hakusho (great show BTW, not enough talk about it)
Next: Planning on re-watching Now&Then, Here&There
I always try to watch everything english dubbed.
I am currently watching Ichi the Killer and it will finish in 5 minutes.
Weird shit.
Well the closest to anime I've watched lately was the animated part in Kill Bill last night. I bought that the day it came out and also bought Jackie Brown. Both are really good movies. Jackie Brown was way different thatn I thought it'd be and was definately Terantinos most different from the usual stuff he does. Not that it's not in his stuyle but the whole feel of the movie was different than usual. I'm glad I own all his movies now.