I was watching Access Hollywood and this is what I saw.
I hope he is going to take classes too!!! He should be in it for the rest of his life! How Ironic!!! You can't write something this funny!!
I can't breathe!
Maybe Justin can help you with your spelling.

If he didn't suck so much I might would've been insulted by that. But anyhow I think I fixed it.

I'll give you one more guess.

You mispell stuff all the time too ya know. So what is it? His name? I don't care if it's his name. And if it isn't his name I still don't care.
Justin Timberlake is the best musician to grace the face of this planet.
Wright doesn't exist. The word is write.

I thought that was it. I guess I do care. But not about Justin TimberFake.
Cuz he sucks and I guess suckin' sells. And seeing as he is a whore I guess it fits him to do so.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Justin Timberlake is the best musician to grace the face of this planet.
I hope everyone noticed the implied sarcasm there. I wouldn't want anyone to think I actually liked that no talent hack.

I won't claim to like his music, because it's basically just a bunch of slop, but like Michael Jackson, he actually does write his music, and anyone who has performed or written music (like me) can vouch that writing something like what he does, does take a bit of skill. Anyways, music education can't teach you to write good music, much like art school can't teach you to make good art (but it sure as hell can inflate an ego).
Heh, i think 98% of all new music sucks. well hip hop and rap always sucked and this new whiney bitch and cry so called rock music is just plain wrong!!. if i actually found a new mainstream band to listen to in a 2 year period from now id be pretty suprised. until then ill continue to buy underground metal and deathmetal stuff. and thats what my 2 cents is about in 1:30 am. :o
Quote:Originally posted by justin
underground metal and deathmetal stuff.
because their music is
always of the upmost quality

yeah pretty much!!! :o quality is important to me 100%
Quote:Originally posted by justin
Heh, i think 98% of all new music sucks. well hip hop and rap always sucked
I'd beg to differ on that. Just because it's not to your liking doesn't mean it sucks. I don't like country music, but that doesn't mena it sucks. That just means I don't like it. Anyways, I don't care about music enough to sit here and argue about it.
As for Justin Timberlake, say what you will about him, but the guy is a fuckin' pimp. He got to bang Britney, Janet Jackson, and Alyssa Milano. What a thug!!!!
and cameron diaz....
btw is the 2% of new music that doesnt suck franz ferdinand? man they fuckin rock! download some shit (especially "take me out") cause i dont think their album is out in the us.
well in my opinion a lot of music and styles suck. Im not a PC person of anykind so if it sucks it sucks. country sucks too heh jazz sucks easy listening sucks light rock sucks, blue grass sucks and most 60's sucks. ill think of more later.
sanosuke ill have to check that out...