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"Little pervert"?? You are the Resident Pervert from which all other perverts watch and learn.
Gah, I lost the thought on what I was gonna type. I'm just gonna agree with Ka-Talliya on this one.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
"Little pervert"?? You are the Resident Pervert from which all other perverts watch and learn.
so now you see how i became a pervert

You know JJ I always wondered what the god of anime distabution looked like and now I know...
I will post mine and If I am too slow I know a certain blond that has access to pics of me being a complete idiot and will post them if I do not...
So when I get home I will post and make my comments on Kakoi's pic as well.... Hey did Dark post his up
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
...I will post mine and If I am too slow I know a certain blond that has access to pics of me being a complete idiot and will post them if I do not...
Who? Me?
I honestly don't think I have any...
Oh you may not but your hubby does he has DVD footage and with a little capture button that DVd player of yours bamb instant Humiluation...
Seems to me that you
want this footage show. Which begs the question, is it really humiliating?

Believe me, it's humilating enough for Morg. In the Video, he was ranting about...something. I'll see about that pic...

Very interesting. (to bad we don't have an emoticon rubbing his hands together.)

Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Oh you may not but your hubby does he has DVD footage and with a little capture button that DVd player of yours bamb instant Humiluation...
He shot himslf in the foot...if he hadn't said anything, I would not have remembered. Everything while I was pregnant is kinda hazy. :p
Oh it's just fun to stir the pot even if it is embarrsing for you (me)
It has already happened and since you guys are friends I will share
my humlitaion with you all, considering the rest of my friends have already seen it...
Shot yourself in the foot eh? All I can say is..Good Job!!!
Well more like caught in the act of my mouth running off and leaving the rest of me behind... It tends to do that. I will say this though it makes people laugh and that can't be too bad...
You actually shot yourself in the foot? I gotta see this.

even i am not that stupid to shoot my self in the foot but .... i gess .....
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