Also if anyone does any reasonable deducting they would try to reduce the #'s in his image link to get a real pic of Kak.. ;o)
And of course if anyone wishes to see my ugly mug they can just go to
Also see Ka-Talliya and our daughter Evelyn..
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
Also if anyone does any reasonable deducting they would try to reduce the #'s in his image link to get a real pic of Kak.. ;o)
Wow, first to actually figure that out :p, that is, without me actually posting the pics.
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
...And of course if anyone wishes to see my ugly mug they can just go to
Also see Ka-Talliya and our daughter Evelyn..
AAAAHHHHH!!!!! Bad pics of Ka-Talliya!!!!! That sites mostly about the little one! There are no good recent pics of me, maybe I'll get one while we are playing war this week.
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
Here here for that slogan. It'd make me feel better about myself:p
Lonely, you are hot. I'm not stretching the truth for anyone, except myself.
Ka-Talliya and Schultz you have the prettiest Daughter. She is just beautiful!
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
That's what I hate about making a comment about myself around other men. As soon as I say something good about myself, any other guy I know in the vacinity feels they obligated to shoot me down, roll their eyes or just be blatantly mean. I fucing hate it, and most of the time feel like punching people who feel that need.
That would be true if it was the 1st comment you had made. This isn't the first time you've done it. You've been tooting your own horn the entire time. Therefore calling you narcissistic is not mean, but honest based on my observations.
I'm not gonna argue about this since I really could care less. But if you're gonna put yourself out there, you can't get mad at people for making comments.
Ok Guys, I really was just kidding when I said that we could fight over who was the hottest. lol... But, if you asked me what kind of guys I like, well... I am all about the talk skinny ones. So if any of you guys out there are kinda tall and skinny.. then post ur pic, and then I'll tell you who is the hottest.

Oh yeah and Ka-Talliya you are not stretching the truth for yourself. You are just as pretty as any of the girls on here.

i can get myine on 4 a wile cause i am waitin for a certain check to come in form my father
Here I am. In all of my glorious splendor.

My pic's file size is too big, and I can't make it any smaller without makin it look bad I don't think. My dad decided to take off with my digital camera today, so I'll take one later I hope.
Quote:Originally posted by meowchi
... But, if you asked me what kind of guys I like, well... I am all about the talk skinny ones. So if any of you guys out there are kinda tall and skinny.. then post ur pic, and then I'll tell you who is the hottest.
Hey JJ, she likes tall, skinny guys! You may have a chance at being "Import-Anime's Hottest Guy!! Post your pic!!

Or I may do it for you...

It's kinda funny what people do to get people to date them. Heehee.:p
Quote:Originally posted by Yoko_of_fire
It's kinda funny what people do to get people to date them. Heehee.:p
Huh? If you are talking about our little pervert, Ngcld, yeah, he's differant alright.