Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
Ok since we are talking old school what is the name of this one and no it is not He-man. Ok first it is a Hanna Barbara creation... it featured a world were had a nucular war and most of the advanced civliation was gone... the Main Charcter wore next to nothing except for his trade mark boots, hairy wrestling tights, and a sword handle on his arm that once in his hand produced a *lightsaber* Help me I can't remeber the name of this...
LOL. Check this out, Morgy. I even got you a link. It's Thundarr The Barbarian!
Thundarr Website
There was one great episode of Mario where the live action counterpart was stuck in the pipe.
I think it's been established but Noozles is an anime series.
I would love some Conan and David the Gnome Box Sets. Those shows were so much fun.
I used to watch Inspector Gadget. I also liked the Super Mario Bros. cartoon. I don't think I ever saw the Zelda cartoon though... Maybe this is just my bad memory of the show's credits, but wasn't the animation studio for Inspector Gadget a Japanese studio? I think I remember the animators having Japanese names. But, this could be entirely wrong... Stranger things have happened, like some of (if not all of) the Dennis the Menace cartoon's animators being Japanese...
Oh yeah...Inspector Gadget was awesome!! Him Brain, and that girl whatever her name was lol. Man I always wished I had GO GO Gadget arms and legs....I'd take laziness to another level...wonder if he had GO GO Gadget you know what lol....
His niece's name was Penny.
Conan the adventurer
Conan Warrior without fear
He's more powerful that any man
well you get the drift.

Quote:LOL. Check this out, Morgy. I even got you a link. It's Thundarr The Barbarian!
Shibo you are the man thanks for the link I missed that cartoon what a story line... I wish I was able to get it on DVd too bad it had no real story line. While we are talking about cartoons I will tell you of the cartoon that had the biggest chance at being cool but instead turned out to be a bunch of crap. Highlander the animated series
Did Bebe's Kids ever get a tv show???
Quote:Did Bebe's Kids ever get a tv show???
Why? What was it before that? It was a show for like 27 seconds back in like '97 or '98 or something. It was on FOX or UPN or whateva. I only remember it very roughly. I think one of the character's was voiced by that lady who does the voice of suzie on Rugrats and the hip-hopper girl on Histeria.[sic] Boy what a great show, (Histeria, not Bebe's kids, well I never really watched Bebe's kids so I wouldn't know).

I thought I remembered Bebes Kids having a show! It was a movie first.
I can't find info on the show on imdb.com though. Hmmm... I'm fairly sure I remember the show coming out in like '97 and folding very quickly thereafter. Hmmm...

Oh it was definately a movie. I remember when it came out, the commercials and everything. i saw quite a few times aftter it was on HBO too.
oop. Yeah, I meant I couldn't find the show.

I think the show had more simplified versions of the characters (animation-wise). This is, of course, assuming that I'm not horribly mistaken and it actually was a TV show at one point. Hehe.
Anyways, Y'all remember the Little Bits? ..."We're the Little Bits, We're the Little Bits!" (Very straightforward).

Yeah, I remember BeBe's Kids. I have it on tape!! It was definitely a movie.
I don't know how "old school" this counts as, but Rocko's Modern Life. I really love that show, and it still comes on every now and then.