08-27-2003, 11:36 AM
08-27-2003, 01:08 PM
remember the Bionic Six???
08-27-2003, 02:52 PM
banana man and danger mouse are both british cartoons so theyd be on a british channel maybe. both rock!
08-27-2003, 03:44 PM
THe Noozles are awesome..I found a tape of that show I bought last night, and i watched it twice. Eureka's Castle anyone?? Gummie bears scared me, and My little pony was kewl. The smurfs were always my favorite...and David the gnome haunted my dreams!!!
08-27-2003, 07:06 PM
Hey LM u should totally send me a copy of the Noozles tape. Hehe.
Turns out it was anime, ("Fushigi na Koala Blinky") The other koala cartoon Tripp might remember could be The Little Koala, also once on Nickelodeon. With the crazy dodo named Kiwi and the opening video had Roobear skateboarding up a tree or something. Heehee
I get all giggly just thinking about this stuff. I think the reason everyone dislikes David the Gnome is that seeing Richie Cunningham's dad trapped in a 2-inch body just isn't right.
Heck yeah, Eureeka's castle was the most brilliant puppet show ever! I think I used to have a thing for Eureeka.
I found this great site with theme songs for a bunch of old skool Nickelodeon shows. It's at http://www.johnsrealmonline.com/classicnick/ Hehe. I Love this stuff!!!

Heck yeah, Eureeka's castle was the most brilliant puppet show ever! I think I used to have a thing for Eureeka.

08-28-2003, 02:15 AM
Remember Widget??? Pirates of Darkwater??? How about Punky Brewster??? Strawberry Shortcakes, Care Bears, My Little Pony, Jem, and James Bond Jr. anyone??? How about the old Barbie Cartoon??? Yeah, I've been around a little too long! I used to love the Mighty Max cartoon! I had a handfull of sets that were also episodes in the cartoon...some of which were part of the opening credits "ooohh" !!!
08-28-2003, 03:37 AM
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
THe Noozles are awesome..I found a tape of that show I bought last night, and i watched it twice. Eureka's Castle anyone?? Gummie bears scared me, and My little pony was kewl. The smurfs were always my favorite...and David the gnome haunted my dreams!!!
Eureka's Castle wasn't animated...it was puppetry.
08-28-2003, 05:32 AM
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Remember Widget??? Pirates of Darkwater??? How about Punky Brewster??? Strawberry Shortcakes, Care Bears, My Little Pony, Jem, and James Bond Jr. anyone??? How about the old Barbie Cartoon??? Yeah, I've been around a little too long! I used to love the Mighty Max cartoon! I had a handfull of sets that were also episodes in the cartoon...some of which were part of the opening credits "ooohh" !!!
NO WAY!! I completely forgot about the Widget cartoon!! OMG...I can't believe you just typed Jem!! LMAO. Nothing like girl rock star animation <.< Man I remember all that stuff now. I feel old now...I've gone through some crazy cartoon history..WTF is noozles!!!! I don't remember it!!
08-28-2003, 06:16 AM
Ok lets see hmm I don't know if anyone has mention these but Karate Cat, Defenders of the Earth, the Glow Worms and the Potato Head kids, and the almighty SuperBook!
08-28-2003, 06:17 AM
I used to be all about Barbie and the Rockers...not to mention Transformers, Sinbad, Pirates of the Black Waters and Tiny Toons.
08-28-2003, 06:32 AM
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
Ok lets see hmm I don't know if anyone has mention these but Karate Cat, Defenders of the Earth, the Glow Worms and the Potato Head kids, and the almighty SuperBook!
POTATO HEAD KIDS!!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!! *.* Wow those are way back when...I vaguely remember those cartoons. I remember Grimm's Fairy Tales..Remember the one with a talking car that could change shapes? And speaking of Eureka's Castle...if we're talking about ole school puppets..you guys remember Dumbo's Circus? ^_^. Paddington Bear. He loved the Marmalade..Dragon's Lair...hmm..what else. Yes, I'm at work bored, so I'm trying to remember stuff -_-.oO* FAT ALBERT!! How could I forget that one lol!! Ok I got too much time on my hands I'll figure out some more later...I'll let it go for now til someone else posts ^_^.
08-28-2003, 11:21 AM
Ok since we are talking old school what is the name of this one and no it is not He-man. Ok first it is a Hanna Barbara creation... it featured a world were had a nucular war and most of the advanced civliation was gone... the Main Charcter wore next to nothing except for his trade mark boots, hairy wrestling tights, and a sword handle on his arm that once in his hand produced a *lightsaber* Help me I can't remeber the name of this...
Also some of my old favs Thundercats, Voltron, Mask can't forget mask, and Danger Mouse was the bomb...
Also some of my old favs Thundercats, Voltron, Mask can't forget mask, and Danger Mouse was the bomb...
08-28-2003, 11:25 AM
I think I know what you're talking about, but I don't think it was a nuclear war. Didn't the moon like break or something? For the life of me I can't remember the title either. AHHH!!! If it wasn't the one with the broken moon then which cartoon was it. It was an old one too. You guys remember Richie Rich? I hated that guy...always had the cool things I could never have!! =P
08-28-2003, 12:49 PM
I'm goin pretty old school here, but Rocky and Bullwinkle??? I can't believe I forgot the most pivatol cartoons of my childhood!!
I know Eureka's castle was puppetry, but some of the backgrounds and stuff were animated...I don't why i put it here though.
I know Eureka's castle was puppetry, but some of the backgrounds and stuff were animated...I don't why i put it here though.
08-28-2003, 12:52 PM
Puppets, Cartoons...whateva =) you know. Anyhoo I wanna see the cartoon that has the flying hamster of doom raining coconuts on your city. Now that would make a quality animated feature.