08-28-2003, 01:29 PM
08-28-2003, 02:08 PM
God I miss Voltron
08-28-2003, 02:55 PM
denver the last dinosaur was pretty fuckin cool, but man dungens amd dragons was totally excellent and lets not forget the turtles!
08-28-2003, 03:44 PM
Remember The Zelda Cartoon?? Or how about Captain N???
Street Sharks?? How about Beetle Juice??? Battle Tech?? the Hurricanes?? followed by Double Dragon!!! Bucky O'Hare, Attack of the Killer Tomatos, and Mega Man??? Dino Riders anyone??
Remember all these???
Street Sharks?? How about Beetle Juice??? Battle Tech?? the Hurricanes?? followed by Double Dragon!!! Bucky O'Hare, Attack of the Killer Tomatos, and Mega Man??? Dino Riders anyone??
Remember all these???
08-28-2003, 03:51 PM
Dark you broght up the Zelda cartoon but what about the Nintendo cartoon were they used the gameboy to goto different places I think... what I do remeber is they made Simon Belmont out to be a complete ass
08-28-2003, 08:16 PM
The cartoon was cool as hell. The Movie sucked.
And what about Pound Puppies??
Ahh, the memories. The '80's and early '90's had the best cartoons.
Zelda was the shit..."Well, Excuse me, Princess!"
The cartoon was cool as hell. The Movie sucked.
And what about Pound Puppies??
Ahh, the memories. The '80's and early '90's had the best cartoons.

Zelda was the shit..."Well, Excuse me, Princess!"
08-28-2003, 08:21 PM
Don't mess with the power of the Care Bears, they'll fuck you up bad if you do.
08-28-2003, 09:35 PM
Remeber the Bruce Willis Cartoon?? How about the MC Hammer cartoon or the Kid n' Play cartoon???
08-28-2003, 11:25 PM
Hey, what was the cartoon where Wayne Gretski and other sports figurers were the heros??
I liked X-men. Gambit was kick ass.
I liked X-men. Gambit was kick ass.
08-28-2003, 11:56 PM
I'm surprised no one here has mentioned Conan the Adventurer, that show's a classic.
08-29-2003, 02:42 AM
Thunder Cats! Snorkels! Eh...what else? Flinstone (correct spelling??!!), Jetson Family. That's all I could think of right now. SOOOooo Sleepy!:eek:
08-29-2003, 05:36 AM
Just reading this page alone is overloading my brain!!! Holy Crap! I must have forgotten about half the crap that was just listed...and just now remembered it by reading...oh man.....I watched way too much tv when I was a kid.....
08-29-2003, 11:30 AM
Yeah dude! Legend of Zelda was tight!
I remember it was on Fridays instead of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show and it was way better too! Hehe, Do y'all remember my favorite episode of Super Mario Bros? The one where Luigi, (the live-action one), like, touches something and gets sucked into a door or something and comes out possessed by aliens and talking all evil with a big, green, glowing growth on his arm? Anyone? I think that one had Winston from Ghostbusters as a guest star. Heehee. I love old TV shows! 
All else that I can tell Tripp about the Noozles is that the main character girl looked a lot like the girl from Kodomo no Omocha and there were two magical, flying koalas (one grey, on pink) who came to life out of their resting, stuffed-animal mode when you rubbed your nose on theirs (hence "noozles"). Even if u didn't see it as a kid, you prolly still could now and not find it corny.

All else that I can tell Tripp about the Noozles is that the main character girl looked a lot like the girl from Kodomo no Omocha and there were two magical, flying koalas (one grey, on pink) who came to life out of their resting, stuffed-animal mode when you rubbed your nose on theirs (hence "noozles"). Even if u didn't see it as a kid, you prolly still could now and not find it corny.
08-29-2003, 01:16 PM
Beetle Juice!!!!! Oh my God how did i for get that one!?!? I use to watch that show religiously almost. I wasn't much of an action show kinda kid, but i liked batman and the TMNT. I found my Batman figure yesterday, and hung it from my ceiling...I was mean I know 

08-29-2003, 01:44 PM
I do remember that Super Mario ep cuz all these green worm things were all over the place! OMG remember when Rowdy Roddy Piper was on???