Nothing better than having two guys in a crowd with a lolita complex.
Quote:Nothing better than having two guys in a crowd with a lolita complex.
I said cute! Cute!!
Oh yeah, also Mamimi from FuriKuri (with the neko-booshi)

All that talk of little kids..I'm still waiting for a comment on midjit porn (yes I know my spelling sucks..)
I love midget porn, man I think that came from playing pocket fighters and watching Chunli and Morrigan's go at it with their little legs.,
I think I already stated my mind in a similar post a while back. Hands down hottie is that old grandma from Ranma. Nothing like wrinkles on wrinkles, and that drooping mouth is ta die for!!! Just thinking about her makes me all hot. I think I need a shower.. *_* oh yeah....
ooooooooooooook, sorry, was never into grandma porn. Unless you count that really really really old lady from Elven Bride ep. 2. She was probably about 50-60, & was wearing some metal suit, but before taking it off raped some guy & stole his energy, which made her look about 20.
For the record...I was only kidding. Then again....
uhhh yeah so was i about the midget porn....yeah
So any way, I'm adding Reika from RahXephon as hot.
The Captian from Geneshaft (though can be a real Arse) as hot for the guys of anime.
I kind of think Catherine Zeta Jones is hot as hell, especially when she was in Zorro. Oh yeah.. Oh wait...that's the real world. Silly me.
Ohh yeah good choice in adding Reika and I will also like to add Lichee from the first Ranma movie and although not anime but a great addtion Smurfit, man i've always wanted to smurf her smurf so smurfin bad.
a classic otaku debate, and indeed a very sad debate.
asuka asuka asuka!
As sad as it is, It's entertaining!
I don't care lol, but that Smurfette one liner was hilarious ^_^!