vote for whats better :mrgreen:
it depends, some peopl call lesbians gay, but if by your definition of gay, you mean man to man, then yes, that isnt good. I hope thats something we can all agree on :mrgreen:
I've never really been into porn much.
I go by the policy, whatever floats your boat. I don't like men humping each other, but if that's what you want than go for it. Just don't bring the stuff into my house, or within fifteen feet of me.
Batz, everbody needs porn.
Life without it is like seeing gay sex in public its just wrong.
Or only have three testicles. ^_^
Now I chose hentai... Why some may ask because most porn movies are B rate at best and then the best B movies are soft porn. Hentai has some great stories some top quality animation and the voice actors don't suck. And in a Hentai you know the voices are being faked so there is never that I wonder if she is enjoying it question... Plus Hentai with out a doubt has the best money shots...
Quote:Originally posted by "kakomu"
Kroova you're an ass
What's your point.
morgorath, I think you are right to some extent, but it never gives me the same feeling. maybe its because I know they arn't real, but whatever the reason I enjoy both :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "morgorath"
Now I chose hentai... Why some may ask because most porn movies are B rate at best and then the best B movies are soft porn. Hentai has some great stories some top quality animation and the voice actors don't suck. And in a Hentai you know the voices are being faked so there is never that I wonder if she is enjoying it question... Plus Hentai with out a doubt has the best money shots...
Sorry Morg, but I'm not watching porn for the storylines or the acting.

weatdrop: I'll take Nikki Tyler anyday, anytime, anywhere, any position over any fictional characters regardless of how bad her acting is. :twisted:
Whatever gets me to beat the meat, so to speak.