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You can name your Fav guy... hell Peter North is a fav of my girlfriend...
Yeah he's pretty Hot... I don't really know names. I just watch. :mrgreen:
Then asking the titles would be pointlewss, but I'm to lazy to go scrible that out of the next letter.
One thing to watch out for though, watching porn is how my sister discovered she is bi-sexual. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Porn is a difficult gate way to discovering who you really are. :mrgreen:
Yeah, well I''m not bisexual, nor do i hope to ever be. SO I'll watch out for that :mrgreen:
I don't think you get to choose, I mean hell look at me.. I'm not sure what I am.
NO one knows what you are Batz. No offense :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Okkkkkkkkk, this conversation is getting bizarre.
Yup it is... but that is what makes it GB, right steve... *looks for encouragement*
How do you pronounce "Okkkkkkkkk"? Is it O-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k...which sounds like you're retarded and can't pronounce words correctly :lol:
Yeah that's about right. Just stress the O a little bit more.
I choose to have no sexual perfrance, but I like girls a lot more than guys, accpet for frien...well evermind I have one close guy friend, & one close female friend.
I like bi-girls... but bi-guys *shrugs* Confusedweatdrop:
Man let's not talk about bi... I had to guy my last piece... wait I think I'm sharing too much with you guys...
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