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Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
No, then that would defeat the purpose of me saying you don't know everything, now wouldn' it?

Sorry to quote myself but, you don't seem to get it yet.
think back to my comment about a purple dog, & then conbsider posting.
What purple dog, Are you talking about Spunky? We haven't died him yet.We're wating until I dye my hair.
No little girl. I guess I must have been the one who deleted it then. There was a message about a purple dog. Anyways, screw that, change subject.
Okay, I leave for Dance Camp tomorrow. Yay, I'm so ready to get out of this town for a week.
wow, good luck, break a leg, & bleed to death! "oops did I say that?" Gay quote from, you of course. Yeah, you guys that might actualy read this I probably won't be around next week either, although plans on where I'm going cannot be released at this time.
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