order from import-anime

I'm totaly new to Import Anime.

How can I find out the price (Import Anime selling price) of already reviewed HK DVD titles in the "HK DVDs"->"Review" list?

Currently, the "HK DVDs"->"Store" list only has AS/MAC titles. How can I buy the ones from different companies when their titles are not in the list?How can I place order if I don't know the price?

I've read the Import Anime website FAQ but it doesn't help me.

How/When do ppl buy from Import Anime generally? (special order back-ordering via email or buy instantly when a big shippment arrives (which the "HK DVDs"->"Store" list will be updated))

Any advice or instruction is kindly appreciated
Import Anime is certainly the most responsive place to inquire.

-nobody in in the IRC chat
-email [email protected] hasn't get a reply
-this thread has been viewed but nobody care to spare any info

I admit it's only less than 12 hours since my inquiry but come on...<sigh> I've been looking for online anime purchasing for days and I'm sorry that I'm impatient epecially after reading raving reviews from u folks. In addition, it's not entire clear of how to buy from Import Anime.

If Import Anime is not THE place to buy HK DVDs online. Please tell me and provide websites that do.

Ps. I'm very interested to buy from Import Anime because I live in Canada and wonder if that is better comparing buying from another online store from the States.
I really have nothing important to say, but I'll feel free to spam anyhow.
thanks for the website.
SORRY, I have a anime rabbies that I just couldn't help to be enraged and unjustly bark at ppl.
shadyptb has answered by questions in IRC. Thanks and sorry again.
Import Anime only sells AS/MAC titles. Check out the other websites for titles from other companies

The forums have been quietly lately, I'm sure if someone could have helped you they would.
Seeing the attitude of the person who made this thread, I deem it inappropriate and it shall be locked. We have lives, and not all of us live on this website.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I only sell AS/MAC titles on this website at the moment... the titles for sale found under the STORE link... the STORE items are dynamic... they sell out, they get restocked... get new titles in etc.... all our stock is real stuff on hand....

the Review section is for reading and posting reviews for ALL studios...

Feel free to buy anything from our STORE... sorry if u dont like that we dont have what you want.... we just dont have the resourses to satisfy everyone.

so everyone please chill... this is a saturday... people do stuff on saturdays (and others like me work)

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