03-08-2003, 12:10 PM
I'm stuck on a decision. I really want to see more Gundam Seed. I downloaded the first episode, like I do with most animes, and fell in love. After the attrocitiy known as Gundam X and the mildly OK Turn A, my faith in Gundam, a series I've been a fan of for many years now, was diminishing. But Seed looks great, and is very promising series from what I've seen. Oh, and the music rocks my socks 
Now, my problem is how it's getting released. Single DVDs containing, what, 4 episodes each? I'll leave that to R1, thanks you very much. But I must see this series so bad, bt I'm kind of waiting for a boxset of somesort. The usual gatefold job.
Anyone have an estimate on, at the current rate of release, Seed will be completely released? Do I have a year to go? A few more months? Kinda stuck with this decision.

Now, my problem is how it's getting released. Single DVDs containing, what, 4 episodes each? I'll leave that to R1, thanks you very much. But I must see this series so bad, bt I'm kind of waiting for a boxset of somesort. The usual gatefold job.
Anyone have an estimate on, at the current rate of release, Seed will be completely released? Do I have a year to go? A few more months? Kinda stuck with this decision.