I'm stuck on a decision. I really want to see more Gundam Seed. I downloaded the first episode, like I do with most animes, and fell in love. After the attrocitiy known as Gundam X and the mildly OK Turn A, my faith in Gundam, a series I've been a fan of for many years now, was diminishing. But Seed looks great, and is very promising series from what I've seen. Oh, and the music rocks my socks

Now, my problem is how it's getting released. Single DVDs containing, what, 4 episodes each? I'll leave that to R1, thanks you very much. But I must see this series so bad, bt I'm kind of waiting for a boxset of somesort. The usual gatefold job.
Anyone have an estimate on, at the current rate of release, Seed will be completely released? Do I have a year to go? A few more months? Kinda stuck with this decision.
I was thinking of picking up the MI Seed sets that have been released recently, but I heard a lot of bad stuff about the subs. I'm stuck too. BTW, where did you get the Digifansubs from? 8O
I have Xenon Fansubs (a digisub group) for the show, but havent had time to sit down and watch each ep..My friends told me the subs are pretty good though..if possible try to make to make VCDs out of the the digisubs using Nero..I've never had any luck making a successful VCD without chopping off the subs..I would stay away from the MI subs though if I were you and just stick to the digisubs for now.
Yeah I think I will - thanks. Sorry, Vinny dude, didn't mean to hijack your thread :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "Rei1781"
I have Xenon Fansubs (a digisub group) for the show, but havent had time to sit down and watch each ep..My friends told me the subs are pretty good though..if possible try to make to make VCDs out of the the digisubs using Nero..I've never had any luck making a successful VCD without chopping off the subs..I would stay away from the MI subs though if I were you and just stick to the digisubs for now.
Are you using TMPGEenc to encode the video because I've had the same problem. You have to select for Video Arrange method : Center (custom Size) and crop the image a bit. I dont usually make VCDs so I dont know what exact size you should put, maybe 300X220. What I would do is to encode a small file with subtitles a bunch of times using different sizes and make a a VCD aon a cd-rw to check it on your DVD player
Vinny, I would wait until they released a proper gatefold set and try to get the digisubs in the meanwhile.
I been told that Gundam Seed HK dvds have subs that are left to be desired.... someone correct me if i am wrong
I got my fansub episode off of Kazaa.
That's what I hear too Junkie Joe, but I'm very linient (sp?) when it comes to subs. I just ordered that crappy Macross TV boxset fo christ sake. But yeah, I guess I will wait for a gate fold. Maybe anotehr company will rip the fansub script and make a nice gatefold

Quote:Originally posted by "Rei1781"
I have Xenon Fansubs (a digisub group) for the show, but havent had time to sit down and watch each ep..My friends told me the subs are pretty good though..if possible try to make to make VCDs out of the the digisubs using Nero..I've never had any luck making a successful VCD without chopping off the subs..I would stay away from the MI subs though if I were you and just stick to the digisubs for now.
The problem you are having with creating VCD's is you have i think its about a 5% overscan around the video meaning that the video actually stretches beyond the tv's sreensize and it appears that the video is cut off.. but if you actually watched it on the computer it wouldn't look like this. What you can do is try and encode the files not in nero to a specified size and add black borders around the video to compensate for the overscan and you get the full picture..