03-10-03 [Current Anime Trade List]
I'm incredibly busy w/school right now so I'll keep this brief. <sigh> Can't wait until I can come back and start watching anime full-time again. Wink

Anyways, here is a brief list of stuff I can trade. I'll add more later.

Anime for trade:

Hong Kong

-Flame of Recca (6 disk)
-Iria (AS)
-Record of the lodoss wars: Chronicles of the heroic knight (Circle K)
-DNA2 [possible trade, not sure]


-X One
-X Two
-Dragon Ball Box Set (funimation)
-Berserk disk #1
-M.D. Geist (directors cut)
-Amazing Nurse Nanako Disk #2
-Amazing Nurse Nanako Disk #3

Anime/Games Wanted:

-Slayers (all 3 box sets)
-One Piece
-Hack sign
-Anything good, etc.

(Anime can be: R1, R0, VCD, SVCD, DVDR, etc as long as it is of a high quality and I know what I am trading for. DVDR's must be able to play in a standard DVD player.)

-Xbox DVD burns (full versions, not cuts or downsamples)

All DVDs come in original packaging (minus shrink wrap) in perfect condition. I am a neat freak, I don't own a single disk w/a scratch on it.

All trades must be shipped at same time (I have references on this board) and a tracking # will be supplied.

I have been burned once before and it sucked, please don't screw with me. =)
I'd be interested in the Flame of Recca. But I have no idea what you're looking for. Email me at machiavelli420@hotmail.com. Just put Anime in the Subject header so I don't accidentally delete it.
Im interested in Flame of Recca and Iria(which company is this one by? Throw me a want list, and Ill see what I can come up with, my available list is kinda small, but I MAY be willing to dip into my collection for them.
Lifestop! You live! ^_^ I have a question: are these your only DVDs, or do you have more at home that are just not with you?
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I have many more, but only a handful more that I want to trade. I'll post more when I get a moment. I'm running on very little sleep and I have to be at the hospital in a couple hours (clinicals).

Good to see that most of the original people are still here! =)
I can't wait till spring break.. I'll finally be able to relax and catch up on my anime watching.

Anyways, just click the link 'DVDs' at the bottom of my sig for an outdated list of what I have. (I don't think anything is gone from that list, I just need to add to it).


What I'm looking for:

hmmmm anything I don't have.. that is good. Wink

-el hazard
Well, I was wondering if you still had that Lodoss TV set and might be willing to work something out - my list aint big, but you know. Good to see you're still alive, buddy. :mrgreen:
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I didn't see anything I need at the moment, but thanks for the offer.

Anyone want to trade away their old TurboGrafx16 or other video games systems?
I have an extra sega genisis. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I have an extra sega genisis. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I actually like the Sega Genesis, but I have one already. =)
Iam kinda interested in DNA2 box, anything you want to trade for it, or can i buy the box from you?
Thanks for the offer but I'm only interested in trades. I check your list and everything I like I already have.

I'm mostly looking for:

-Slayers (all 3 seasons)
-and a couple others I can't think of at the moment.

I'll keep checking your list as you update it though. =)
if you could think of the other few, and I am willing to trade them, I might be interested in that DNA2 as well. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
do you have beserk manga scans?
theres nothing in this world to believe in
Im interested in

Flame of Recca (6 disk)
-Iria (AS)
-DNA2 [possible trade, not sure] (which Company?)

Check my list, however I doubt you'll find anything.

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