[Current trade list] 05-21-03- Iqubal
Here's what I've got to trade.

-Lupin the Third: First Season Vol 1 (MI) (3 dvd's)
-Outlaw Star (FX) (3 dvd's) *pending*
-Eatman 98 (AS) (2 dvd's)
-Gundam G (MAC) (4 dvd's)

Stuff that I'm looking for:
-Cash via paypal
-Ranma First 2 seasons boxset (FX)
-Record of Lodoss war Enhanced edition (FX)

LMK if anyone is interested at all. Honestly email is the best way to reach me for a quick response. Thanks

[email protected] Big Grin
Im interested in Lupin the 3rd Series 1 Smile.
pmed you.
List updated with Dragonball MAC sets.
I'm interested in the DBZ sets 3 + 9, however I dunno if there's anything on my list that you would want. Take a look, if not, I may consider buying them from you.
List edited a bit. Dragonball part 1 I will sell for $60US shipped to anywhere in north america. Watched only for 30 minutes. Thanks. Big Grin
I'm still interested in Lupin TV 1 Sad.
Sideswipe, I did PM you back then.....Guess it didn't go through...I saw your lists and really didn't see anything. LMK if you have anything else etc.

Thanks. Big Grin

Edit- Dragonball Z part 1 on sale for $50 shipped!!!!
Is there anything I can offer for the Two DBZ parts 3 and 9? Is there any anime set you really want? Any DivX sets? ANYTHING?
kakomu, I dropped you a PM
DBZ for $75 shipped now!!!!!
I'm willing to pay $60 including shipping for the three of them. I can paypal you the money right away

Quote:Originally posted by "Iqubal"

Man been away from the anime scene for a while. Anyways I've just got this to trade for now.

-Dragonball Z part 1 mac (8 dvds)
-Dragonball Z part 3 mac (3 dvds)
-Dragonball Z part 9 Mac (3 dvds)

I will sell all dragonball mac's together (1,3,9) for $75 including trackable shipping (not to PO box though) via paypal. LMK. Thanks.
Word of wisdom: If the shoe fix, it must be your size.
Sorry with $60 dollars I'de be losing way too much money. Thanks the offer though.

Updated with new stuff....
I'm really interested in Outlaw Star FX. please check my trading list and my anime cd list.Big Grin

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