Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I used to watch this series as a child in Peru. Been wanting to order the DVDs forever, but didn't know how good the subtitles were. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
actually... the correct answer was supposed to be "Polo"
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Are you trying to keep this place alive Zagatto? There aren't a lot of discussions anymore these days.
I was trying to keep it alive with my witty remark. Yet, Zagatto didn't bite. It sad to see this place that was once very alive just dwindle away. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I wasn't sure if that was a witty remark or if there was actually some classic anime called Marco. There are so many shows that we never hear about that it wouldn't have surprised me.

This place is starting to remind me of the house I lived in during college. I spent a number of years together with people who are still very close to my heart but once school ended we all scattered across the globe. In place of our years of sharing a space we send the occasional email to check on how each other is doing.

Even before JJ got busted I noticed we were struggling to keep various threads running. Now it seems that we're all just checking in for the latest update on JJ's situation or possibly to do a little trading.

This thread shows me there are still people who check in regularly and that brightens my day some.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I check in about every 3 days but don't have a whole lot to start discussions on lately. It is rather sad how much it died. I'm just curious, do you guys watch anime as much as you used to? I still watch it quite a bit compared to most people I know, but i'm watching a lot more live action and playing more games than I spend watching anime. Just spent $40 on volume 2 of hellsing. So my spending hasn't dropped too much lol.

Right now i'm getting into shape to prepare for basic training. Still trying to decide between army or air guard. In the air guard i'd be security and cross train into fire fighting. In army guard i'd enlist as a combat medic. Always forget what it's called. >< Health care specialist? Something stupid like that. All army web sites try to make it sound like you'll just be assisting doctors in a field hospital in a safe zone lol. Had to talk to someone I know in the army guard to find out what position was the combat medic. I'd also spend about 1/4th the time deployed in the air guard. They get deployed 3-6 months at a time and actually stick to their schedule. Army often gets deployed for a year and spends two or more deployed. No idea what I wanna do. =/
I don't watch anime as much as I used to. This is mostly because it's the end of the year, so there are a lot of exams coming my way. And before that I was quite busy working on a project with some classmates. We were given the assignment to create a game which could be played on a computer network. This project was a lot of fun, but also very time consuming.

I am playing some games though. Mostly Titan Quest at the moment, but I also want to continue Final Fantasy XII, since I started that before I got too busy and had no time to play anymore.

Anyway, in two more weeks I'll be done, so I should have more time by then.

I still check the boards but I'm finding more and more that I really don't have anything to add to most of the conversations going on. I remember when I had to struggle to keep up with all the topics flying about (during the post slut years), now things are just dead most of the time.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I check in a couple of times a month just to see if anyone is still alive-seems other forums attached to hkdvd stores (like Animeniacs) are suffering the same fate as interest in hk anime dvds continues to dwindle.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?
I think that the people arguing for affordable anime were right. Anime is more affordable now and HK's just don't sell as well. I personally buy almost all legit now. Some titles like samurai champloo are still crazy though.
Also, unless I fail the physical on friday for whatever reason i'm going to be joining the army guard as a combat medic. Is this a stupid decision? Yes. Am I crazy? Yes. But, we need them so badly right now.
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
I still login every few months to see what's going on. But there's never any new threads.

It's not just HK's that are suffering, but anime as a whole. They messed up just like the comic book industry did in the early 90's and the same with trading cards. Anime became popular and they overflooded the market. Everybody wanted a piece of the pie. Companies licensed as much stuff as fast as they could to capitalize on it. But now what? There's not a whole lot of unlicensed stuff left for them to release. Also, they released a lot of crap during that time which left a bad taste in peoples mouths. There was just too much anime all at once, both good and bad. They should have paced themselves and the R1 companies would have been fine.

Anyways, I don't watch much anime at all any more. Maybe 1 or 2 series a year. Most of my free time is spent paintballing. My body has bruises all over that will not go away for a long time, but I have fun doing it. I've dropped in weight a lot over the last year as well. I think there is a direct correlation here. I've gone from about 175-176 to about 162-163 and I still want to lose more weight so I can be faster. And if you guys think anime is an expensive hobby, I've got news for you - paintball is way more costly.
Ya paintball can be bad. Big reason I don't do it more.

Irritated right now. >< Went to MEPS and now I have to wait until monday-wednesday now to retake my blood pressure. Never had high blood pressure once in my life, and i've had it taken about 30 times. Hell I had it taken about 3 weeks ago and it was fine. Working out really hard and eating dark chocolate. (yuck) As long as my body doesn't decide to be retarded again I'll finally be in the army at the end of next week. I hate waiting. >< Already waited forever just to get to this point.

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