Video game sales
I found these sales numbers for video game systems to be pretty interesting. The information is from April 20 over at

For the current gen sales during the month of March they look about like I expected:
Wii: 259k
XB360: 199k
PS3: 130k

What really interested me was the volume of sales for the PS2 which outsold the Wii (probably due to availability and a recent price drop) with 280k units sold.

Now if we combine the PS2 and Wii sales then we have numbers that match the NDSL pushing 508k units in the same month with the PSP selling a meagre 180k.

I am interested to see how this plays out over the long term and to see if there is ever any real competition for Nintendo in the realm of handheld gaming.

Please note this post is based on facts I find interesting and not intended to bash any console. I encourage commentary in the same vein.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Mainly.. i'm just still laughing at sony. They keep doing worse and worse. MGS4 was just delayed and it sounds like there is a good chance FF13 will be on the 360 again. Sony also just said they aren't worried because they're in it for the long run. They said they're going to support the ps3 for 10 years. If they actually did that, it would just be one more stupid thing sony does. It's just so sad that I used to be on an almost fanboy level when it came to the ps3.
Also just to point that out. NPD numbers are only US sales if i remember right. I would really like to see a global sales on all of them. But yea its kinda funny how things are going right now. THe other issue is the wii is still in short supply. So those numbers are only be constrained by the supply.

Also some more hints. Xbox 360's sales goal of 10million 360's by 2007 was false. They were reporting sales shipped not sales sold. And they forced retailer's to take extra inventory or they would withold copies of vista from them to sell. Will go back and find the article. The article was more about full sales compared accross company's and how numbers like this never tell the full story.
While I worked at Target (about 2 months - not sure if I even said I quit lol) for about 2 months we sold a whopping 2 vistas. Both of them were to employees. Talked to someone lately and they said they're sold quite a few 360s and a whole one ps3 since I left.

Interestingly Fargo seems to be the only place in the U.S. where nearly every retail store had elites that didn't sell out. They were goin for quite a bit on ebay. If I was still working at target I woulda bought one at a discount and sold it on ebay.
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