[Current Trade List] Xellos2099

Boy Be 1-4 ODEX 4 dvd set Odex
Ranma 1/2 OVA serie Mac 3 dvd
Detective Conan Part 1 MI 3 dvd
Detective Conan Part 2 MI 3 dvd
Detective Conan Part 6 AV 3 dvd
Rahxephon not sure who made them, maybe MI 3 dvd
Gasaraki 3 dvd AV
Berserk 3 dvd AS
Inyuasha Movie 1 fx

Card Captor Sakura Movie 1
AH! MY godess Movie
Mega zone 23 part 1

Other HK dvd
Three It is a hk horror movie serie.

Looking for:

Banner of the Star Perfect
Full metal panic perfect

Of course, I am looking for money as well. If you are interest in buying, send me a pm.
Hey, are you in the states? If so, I'd be interested in your Card Captor Sakura movie 1 R1, can you take a look at my list please? Thanks.

Yes, I am located in the state. I might be interested into Full Metal Panic II Fumoffo. How is the sub on that?
Xellos2099 Wrote:Yes, I am located in the state. I might be interested into Full Metal Panic II Fumoffo. How is the sub on that?

I haven't watched it, so I don't really know for sure, all I did was skip thru the disks to make sure they played and the subs seemed to be fine from what little bit I saw... There might be a review on here...

Here is the volumes : http://www.import-anime.com/index.php?pa...em_id=3001


But they aren't rated... although all of the other sets of FMP II show subs as 4 1/2 stars, including the Anime Cartoon ones... so I would think the subs would be the same...

LMK if you wanna trade and we can PM our addresses and plan on sending out after the holiday... Smile If I have your address, I can send out on Tues. priority mail... w/confirmation.
Nevermind, I look closer on your list and the ac set is incomplete since it end at 15 and your set end at 11.
Xellos2099 Wrote:Nevermind, I look closer on your list and the ac set is incomplete since it end at 15 and your set end at 11.

No, it's complete.. if you look at the reviews for the complete sets, MAC is 1-12, AC is 1-11 and MI lists it as 1-15.

The 2nd volume says 9-11 End... so it's complete. I'm guessing, since I haven't actually watched it, that they did the last few episodes together in one ending episode.

Besides, if you'll also notice, there isn't a 3rd volume listed for the set from AC or anybody else for that matter with just episodes 12-15 on it.

But no matter... if you're interested let me know.
do you know if it is tv rip or dvdrip
Xellos2099 Wrote:do you know if it is tv rip or dvdrip

I have absolutely no idea... I don't recall seeing any tv commercial ads at the beginning of the episodes when I went thru it to see about the ending episode 11...which btw is 62 minutes long. (would indicate more than 1 20 minute episode, it seems to be a special or something similar since it is all together) But then I wasn't looking for any either... the video seemed to be pretty good from what I saw of it. I looked on the reviews, but they don't say the source either. I tried to check minute counts to compare the 11, 12 and 15 episode ones, but of course, there weren't any of those either... Sad Sorry I can't be of more help... maybe if you asked in the forum under anime someone else would know the answers.
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