Call of Duty 3
Glad I rented call of duty 3 for the 360. It kinda sucks, especially after playing gears of war last. With the exception of the intro with the in game german soldiers marching (it's very cool) i've kinda hated this game. The characters are kinda stupid and seem to be trying to pull scenes outta movies with no effect at all. Like one time the sargeant points his gun at a soldier that wants to leave and instead of being intense it's almost embarrasing to watch and listen to the horrible horrible voice actors and dialogue. There's still no kinda rag doll physics (so sad) to speak of and the graphics are just way too shiny. I'm a big fan of the first two call of duty games but this game is a pile of shit considering it's on the 360. CoD 2 on the 360 is better than this by a lot...
I?ve played it on the ps2 and was surprised at how good it was. I was expecting a very bad port but it actually looks better than then first 2 on the ps2.

I also have Gears of War and the online is just perfect. Its safe to say this is the best online shooter out now for any system, pc included. You really have to work together if you want to win and everything they put in there is done perfect. Weapons, level design, graphics, sound, health regeneration, controls, everything is perfect. Even the 8 player limit is great and more people would ruin the team play. Flanking works great. One guy keeps an opponent busy and when he?s reloading in cover you quickly run to his side while your team-mate gives cover fire. He pops back up to shoot and you either flank him with a gun, sneak up and chainsaw him or if you have balls you tag him with a grenade which means certain death for him but if he?s good he can take you to the grave with him. Its so intense and every spot in every level has multiple ways to get to it so you?re always watching your back and moving arround.

Also the character models have to be seen to be believed. Most realistic looking characters in a game ever. Easily toy story quality models. Makes me think Killzone2 graphics are not that far off.

EPIC has made a game of pure genius and a real system seller for the 360. If you like online shooters this is worth the $400 imo. It will give you hundreds of hours of fun. I thought the reviews were overrated at first but after playing it this really is a revolutionary game.
Gears of war is awesome, but I have a problem with the sniper rifle in multiplayer. There are people that can headshot you while running at close range way too often. Added to that is the fact that the rifle doesn't zoom out when you get shot and that makes a way overpowered sniper rifle. The only way to kill a good sniper is to overpower him with numbers or get lucky and sneak up on him and use the chainsaw or shotgun.

If the sniper rifle was removed from a few levels like canals i'd like it much better. However, I do think it is indeed the best online multiplayer for a shooter anywhere. I've never played a game where everyone actually works together 80% of the time.

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