Marvel?s Civil War
Is there anyone else enjoying this soon to be masterpiece? I have never been that big a fan of comics. I have some of the characters and I have enjoyed a few in my day, but they never really made me feel anything. Civil War must be more than a comic then. IT IS AWESOME. End of story. I just picked up the 4th volume, and it just keeps getting better and better. I don?t know too much about events, but I know they are supposed to have a drastic effect on what every book/universe they focus on. This one, with out a doubt, has had changes that blow my mind. The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Captain America will not be the same for a long time. Spider-Man, will NEVER be the same. The Entire Marvel universe is imploding, and it feels real.

At it?s core, Civil War is a social commentary, that doesn?t take sides. It is about an accident happening when some loser heroes tried to take some bad guys that were out of their league and a school gets blown up because of it. The Government decides to pass a law the makes all super humans register or they will be arrested. It starts out only if they try to stop a crime, but eventually escalates to basically all people who have suppers powers being rounded up and arrested if they don?t register (because of secret Identities being leaked or just KNOWN by Iron-Man).

You take as much from as you put into it, and the right side in the conflict is the one you agree with. Both are well presented with equal merit and argument (Iron-Man looks like a tool though?).

Now for spoilers for those who aren't into it or caught up to the fourth book. And there is lots of foul things said, so avoid if you don?t want Iron Man?s side to blasted with obscenities (or just don?t want to see them period).

Spider-Man you are a fucktard. God damn you. Hope your new suit keeps you cool in hell you fucking bastard. Reed Richards, I would cram I pie chart up your ass if you wouldn?t just stretch around it. You are a cold, fascist SOB. And the Biggest Tool and suck ass of all. Iron-Man. Of course you signed up with the government, you have no powers you weak ass loser. From the moment I knew what Civil War was going to be about, I was against the government, pretty much like I am in real life. But these guys, they Cloned THOR and used him as a weapon. BASTARDS!!! Now the are letting loose criminals to fight the renegade heroes, cause their Police State freaks haven?t finished baking yet. I?m gonna say it now, if you are on the gov?s side in this book, you are a fascist in real life. There is no way you couldn?t be.

Ok Rant done. Discuss.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

Enjoying it as well. I wonder how much of civil war theyve had planned for a while. I mean in the recent house of M spiderman had no secret identity and was a well accepted celebrity in that alternate world. Very interested in what's going to happen to him. Deadpool.... making me laugh as always. The rift between spiderman/iron man and captain america are the biggest change that may happen. Stark and Steve were very good friends....
Cidien Wrote:Spoilers

The rift between spiderman/iron man and captain america are the biggest change that may happen. Stark and Steve were very good friends....

Giant spoiler

I think that Spider-Man's identity revealed is one of the biggest things ever to happen in comics. Unless they decide to do sometihng retarded, it will be this way for good. And I don't think they will mess it up this time. This event means too much. It's more than a comic, to the readers and the writers. So, some very comic booky escape plan of a world wide memory wipe or some such thing just won't happen, or people would quit reading Marvel because anything important they say or do could be easily taken back. Nothing would matter.

I also think that the Fantastic Four may become interesting since it looks like Ben doesn't want to fight at all, Reed Richards is a government Tool, and Susan and Jhonny went over to the other side. I mean, is there a Fantastic Four anymore?
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Just assume there are spoilers for the rest of the thread.

I'm sure the FF will get over it, but johnny is really the only char I ever liked. Ben is ok too I spose. Iron man did wipe the entire worlds minds once but you're right, it would be gay if they did that. I wouldn't stop reading comics but I would be quite upset. I'm glad spiderman is out in the open now. There have been enough years of him hiding his identity. I also hope they don't change him back to his old costume or if they do they keep the suit but just change the colors back. The new suit with his new "omg I just accidentally killed you" powers are very interesting right now.

I also hope they don't overdo the mary jane/aunt may kidnappings now that everyone knows his identity. Had enough of that too.
Cidien Wrote:I also hope they don't overdo the mary jane/aunt may kidnappings now that everyone knows his identity. Had enough of that too.

Funny you should mention that...Spoiler if you haven't read Amazing Spiderman 535.

Dear god. This issue was it. The turning point in Cival War has happened. It kinda seemed like this was, at the core a three Hero conflict. Were there was no balance, just a tilted scale. The other side just hit the floor. I have to apologize to Peter Parker. I'm sorry. You were just dumb and naive. You were tricked. I finally see (this thought occurs as I write this, wow) what you represent in this story. You ARE the American people. The Government uses tricks lies or exaggerations to be manipulative, and that is how they got you. Your heart was in the right place, you simply didn't want to see other people hurt. You made your choice for the right reason. It was noble, but this is what corrupt bodies of power do to noble intentions. You were manipulated and mislead. You are the embodiment of the American people. I'm sorry Spider-Man, I treated you like the world treats Americans now. Because you made a mistake by believing in the Government when they said people would be safer. You are a HERO after all. I feel pretty ashamed and hypocritical. You go man, go fix you're mistake. Do what people in real life would rather run from. Take responsibility and clean up your mess. Stick it out when people believe what you do is wrong. And by that, I mean FIX Iraq, because we did break it. If that means staying there for a long time so be it. We fucked up trusting in the government, now we have to be responsible for that mistake. We need to stabilize the political climate we disemboweled. I can't believe I learned something this important from a comic book.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Ah crap. I havn't read the new spiderman yet but he's not gonna have his cool costume very much longer is he...
It is great to see that people are enjoying this story. I, however am in the minority and HATE this book. On my website we ranted about the story since issue one, but now to me its just funny (unintenionally of coure). Chris from 2guysbuyingcomics joined us in our latest episode reviewing Civil War # 4. Which you can listen to here:

To sum it up, this doesn't feel like I am reading the characters I have known and loved for over twenty years. But instead a poor man's version or Millar's Ultimates versions. But, hey to each there own. I'm glad it's selling like it is because that means it gets people more interested in buying comics and to me that is a plus. I was a fan of those loser heroes Blight (that again were written completely out of character and just used as plot devices.) I don't think both sides are well represented at all, if Millar is even trying to do that. Obviously Iron Man is being portrayed as a villian and they even have Motherfuckin' Reed Richards building a concentration camp for some of his fucking friends!!! FUCK!!!!! okay, I'm not going to get into, but I'm glad you are buying comics Blight. It really feels like Marvel is destroying 40 years of history in at least three characters. They have to make Iron Man good again sometime before the movie comes out.

I do have to add, that I would be enjoying this book if it was a What If? story. Or took place in the Ultimate Universe. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!

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