Points System
Yea I got pulled over yesterday by a cop because I didn't stop good enough for him. $106.50! But the thing is he didn't tell me whether or not there will be points on my license and I really need to know that. So, has anyone ever had this happen? I hope since he didn't say anything it means he won't give me points. Thanks for your help.
He doesn't give you points. The court or DMV does. If it was a moving violation, there will be points involved. Not sure about your state, but speeding in VA is 4 points and reckless driving is 6 points. Those are the only types I've gotten, so I'm not sure what it is for stuff like running a red light.

All you have to do is use Google and you can find this information for yourself rather than relying on others to answer this stuff for you. Not to mention that you would get much more accurate answers. You could also ask your parents.

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