(Escaflowne question) **BIG SPOILER ALERT**
ok so i just finished watching Escaflowne and its a great anime and all but i had a few questions about how the anime ended.

first off once the fate alteration machine was activated as the atlanteans used it was it that everyone got their wish but van's and hitomi's wish was to stop it or their will or wish over powered it so it wasn't used by them or what. Im just wondering if they stopped it because of their will or because it allowed itself to be stopped. Im assuming that Atlantis was destroyed because either wishes got overlapped or some people had evil wishes or just messing with fate that much will do it but im kinda fuzzy on the ending part.

Second whats the deal with Hitomi and Van i mean i guess they never got married and even though they love loved each other like i want your children love they never persued it??? is this to say that van was to end up with merle and Hitomi from someone on earth or am i missing something.

And lastly in the ending it didn't mention who allen ended up being with and who millerna got to be with relationship wise and a few other people so if anyone can lend their oppinions or shed some light id appreciate it.

P.S. I havn't watched the movie yet so i don't know if that will shed some light on the subject but i thought i would ask anyways.
I don't remember the ending of Escaflowne very well since I watched it a long time ago but I can tell you that Van and Hitomi didn't end up together because of that whole idea that they were from different worlds and as such should live in their own worlds with their family and friends. Bullshit if you ask me!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
yeah i was kinda like well ok and it woulda been one thing if they visited each other but it didnt indicate that just their thoughts and the whole dragon must meet the girl from the mistic moon thing and they must fall in love thing whatever that meant. Yeah it was really kinda off

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