Ya so Brett Ratner made a film that doesn't suck. He also didn't make a real great movie. The way the movie went really surprised me.

Spoilers ahead.

Ya so juggernaut was completely gay for several reasons.

1) Stupid accent.
2) Obviously not charles' brother.
3) Way too small.
4) Outfit gayer than the comic by like 10x.
5) He's now a mutant.

Plot spoilers here.

This is definitely the last movie as they kill nearly everyone important, or they at least lose their powers.

Scott dies like at the very beginning of the movie. JEAN kills him. The phoenix is no longer an entity but jean herself. She also kills Xavier. Rogue does almost nothing in this movie and willingly gets rid of her own powers. Angel jumps out of a building. He then saves his dad from falling to death. He also isn't called angel and isn't part of the xmen at all. That's all he does. The previews make it seem like he does more. Beast looks even more fake than I thought he would. A sentinel is in the danger room, kinda. They don't exist in the world outside. Magneto loses his powers at the end. Wolverine kills jean. Storm now takes over the school since, ya know, everyone's dead. The end. That's the whole movie. Kinda gay but kinda decent.
Is it out already? I'm waiting for this one. Loved the second movie.

Are they going to do the fenix (or however you spell it) story now? (didn't read your spoilers).
Now your just defending the movie so you dont look totally stupid for defending ratner.
To quote a review he has the artistic soul of a potato. He has no vison he just directs traffic. The movie sucks, it has no soul, its all fluff, he took a sucessful franchise and buried it end of story.
I saw the craptasticness of this movie before it was finished.

At least singer stayed true to certain important elements of the story but at the same time made two good movies.
This ones as good as catwoman.

boy Cidien, don't tell me you missed the last 2 minutes of the movie after the credits... cause everybody ain't dead... Magneto still had some powers... Don't know why Wolverine couldn't of just used some of the "cure" on Jean instead of killing her... but then it wouldn't have been so dramic...
Yes the phoenix is in this but it's a gay phoenix. It's just jean, not an eternal powerful entity type thing.

spoilers kinda

The cure might not have worked on someone so powerful. And no I missed the last two minutes. I'll see it later this week when I end up going again. Woulda been nice if they you know, at least hinted you should stay like maybe doing something while the credits are rolling. I don't think anybody stayed in our theater cuz we were almost the last ones out.
It happened before the credits rolled in the cinema here (london). But yeh I was quite dissapointed with the movie - I was just thinking afterwards 'overkill'.


I was hopin by the end Jean would just kill everyone to fit in with their stupidness, that way I'd leave the cinema laughing rather than the mix I have now, which is dissapointment mixed with some awe. I was in awe of the special effects and some action, I finally liked Storm in this film - cos she kicked some ass, as oppossed to her lamer roles in movie 1 & 2.

My main dissapointments, similar to cidiens:

1) Scott Died too quickly (I kept thinking any minute now he'd come back)
2) Phoenix part of Jeans mind? I don't remember that from the cartoon.
3) Millions of new characters thrown in, giving away substance to each of them. (Juggernaut, Angel, Beast etc..)
4) Mystique - one of my favourite characters, has like a 10 sec role in the film
5) OVERKILL in general, characters die, characters lose power, more characters die, character comes back with hint of power... by then I was just snoozin

It was a fun action movie non the less, so it was fun to watch in the sense that I wasn't bored or anything. And the ideas itself had some potential - but well, it wasn't executed well.

And yeh I was laughing when Xavier walked right passed juggernaut into Jean's house without saying anything to him or even blinking at him. And I was sayin to my friend, 'umm isn't he supposed to be his brother?' - whereby some annoying woman next to me said 'Are you here to watch the movie or talk?' and I replied 'well a bit of both'. I'm not one to chat through a movie or anything (I despise kids who constantly do that) but I said one comment and this woman was going nuts.

Anyhoo, thats my 2 cents.
Oh and Amethyst what do you mean everyone ain't dead? Did someone come back? I know Magneto came back with his powers but didn't see anyone revived
...sad, i am an xmen fanatic and i really hate to see the movies go down this path...the first one was kind of stupid...but after that, brian singer really did his home work, on the second...i read somewere that now he has a full collection of the commic books, oh and to dispell somone saying that juggernaught is a mutant, ive noticed that the second movie follows one of the other storys, not uncanny, where juggernaugt is the dormant X-gene and "awakens" it with mystisysum...still sad to say singer left us all expecting an epic phenix saga, and all we got was this...i deffenatly wont see it in theators now!

--edit...my god reading through this post i should appologize for the MANY grammer and spelling errors...and note that i am on a fresh format and dont have office installed yet--
It is better to sit and be thought a fool, then to speak and be proven out right
animeshop Wrote:Oh and Amethyst what do you mean everyone ain't dead? Did someone come back? I know Magneto came back with his powers but didn't see anyone revived


Just exactly what I said... if you missed the 2 minute end of the movie after the credits, then you missed the comatose man that Xavier was talking about to the students, as to whether it was morally wrong to use this person's body... and Xavier telling the nurse that he was back.

It's so nice having a son who works at the theatre and puts the movies together... we got to preview X3, and the other night we previewed Over The Hedge before it started showing on Friday. Hope he puts Pirates of the Caribbean together... laugh... let me see, what else is coming out??
Amethyst Wrote:It's so nice having a son who works at the theatre and puts the movies together... we got to preview X3, and the other night we previewed Over The Hedge before it started showing on Friday. Hope he puts Pirates of the Caribbean together... laugh... let me see, what else is coming out??

I know what you mean. I have a cousin who's the director of a radio station and as such has lot's of connections. Thanks to that he managed to put my name on the list of people who get tickets for press screenings. I obviously don't get tickets for all the movies that premiere every single week but I did get tickets for X3 (watched it on wednesday).
If I were to ignore the comics I'd have to say the movie isn't half bad, though it isn't perfect either. However, since I'm familiar with the story I was a bit shocked with how unfaithful to the comics this movie was. But the thing I dislike the most about this movie, and about the other two is Rogue. Who the hell had the moronic idea of casting Anna Paquin as Rogue?!! :mad:
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
I think she played a great rogue for the "rogue" in the movies. Now if they gave rogue a part that's more true to her comic role and added gambit into the mix then anna paquin would definitely be a bad rogue choice.
The movie was decent. It started out strong but went downhill after Xavier's death. Though I have to say the action sequences looked nice and I like Juggernaut as a mutant (I hate magic).

I have to disagree with Cidien though, I think they can still continue the franchise. Xavier's "alive"; Jean can come back with the explanation that the Pheonix really is an all powerful entity and that Pheonix's are reborn after death; they never actually showed that Scott died so they can say that he survived and has been walking around the Canadian wilderness blind because he lost his sunglasses. This way we have a new, larger team of X-men consisting of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Wolverine, Iceman, Shadowcat, and Collosus. The X-men would be led by Cyclops and when necesarry split into two teams, one led by Cyclops and another led by Storm. Also various other mutants can get their powers back. It can be said that the cure had varying results. In some it does permanently suppresses their mutation (weak mutants), in others it only suppressed them temporarily (Magneto and other strong mutants). For some the cure mutates into a deadly disease (legacy virus) and for others it brings back their mutation along with new powers (Rogue gets back her powers along with flight and super strength).
Simply put this film was a tragic waste of time, it was crap, end of story. No redeeming qualities and it pretty much raped the X-men franchise. Whoever wrote the script should be shot in the face and the director sucked ass. It was a crappy film and I'm sorry I wasted my money on it. Do NOT watch this film!
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Reeling back my disgust for Ratners suckiness just a wee bit, the writing was crap, the continuity was nonexistent, the side mutants were pointless and lacked any acting skills, and the acting by the main characters was sub-par.

First they stick to the comics on most of the important points in the first two then they bible-burn them in order to make more money with a third, stan should hang himself with the garden hose.

The guy playing juggernaut is english, a footballer, he was in lock stock and snatch two awesome flicks, I thought he played it perfectly. Making him any bigger would look oh so retarded jugg from the comics looked oh so retarded.

On a last note how did it go from day to night in two seconds when magneto droped the bridge, come on did nobody catch that mistake.
geo85 Wrote:the side mutants were pointless and lacked any acting skills

If you take into consideration that some actresses were actually models (like the ones that played Arclight and Psylocke) then it's no wonder.

geo85 Wrote:The guy playing juggernaut is english, a footballer, he was in lock stock and snatch two awesome flicks, I thought he played it perfectly. Making him any bigger would look oh so retarded jugg from the comics looked oh so retarded.

If you liked Vinnie Jones's performance, as well as Snatch and Lock Stock then I suggest you watch The Mean Machine. It's one of the best comedies I've ever seen.

geo85 Wrote:On a last note how did it go from day to night in two seconds when magneto droped the bridge, come on did nobody catch that mistake.

That wasn't the only mistake. Before (and after) Magneto starts moving the bridge you can see cars on it but you don't see any cars while the bridge is moving. Also, when Wolverine is in the woods and removes the bone blades from his abdomen you see there are two holes on his t-shirt but in the next frame the holes are no longer there.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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