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for any who go to the link that I posted...go to search and everything shows up for ya.
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snowboarder Wrote:BTW....
for any who go to the link that I posted...go to search and everything shows up for ya.
That's a nice idea there. If you get the 15 minute mgs4 trailer up in a few hours I'll grab that tonight and help seed.
Is it just for E3 or are you going to keep it up after that too?
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05-10-2006, 06:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2006, 06:30 AM by Blight.)
elcoholic Wrote:Right, and you didn't notice FF12 getting a perfect 40/40 score from famitsu?
And then you bring in fable as an example of how it should be? That's a ten hour rpg you are trying to compare to a hundred hour rpg. Fable was one of the biggest flops on the xbox. So much hype, so little substance. After 10 hours all that's left is become utterly evil and kill everyone and then you're done. I'll take ff over fable any day.
What's more, if anyone has played a game like KOTOR or Fallout, they may not have gone to such lengths to alter your character specifically, but they did a much greater job of making the world you live in react to you, and remain lengthy and engaging.
I agree that lots of people will continue to buy FF games, but I also think beyond his one sided hate, Geo has a point. I'm also sick of Bishonen bastards polluting games. GTFO pretty boys!!! Hell, even the girls all being flawless piss me off. Not everyone is beautiful. Especially not really strong fighters. Why does every SE party character have to either be a Seraphim of an animal person? I know it is a game, and I have said before that I like unrealistic games, but I am also a writer. I can no longer put up with these cliché riddled and uninspired characters. Contrary to popular belief, Yuna was the worst character from FF10. Everyone complains about Tidus, but at least if someone would have replaced him with a cardboard cut out, people would have noticed. Yuna lacked, well, a soul for one thing, and she was just too one dimensional and uninteresting to me.
Eye candy is not for me. If that is what you like in games, I think FF will do fine for you. And it will unquestionably provide lots of people with hours of game play, but I've just moved past their flat characters and gleaming surface. I need more than perfect hair and unblemished skin from my RPG's.
PS. That combat system for 12 blows. The least amount of fun I have had with an RPG since, well, maybe ever.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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You're right. And movie companies should start hiring balding men with beer guts for their leading roles cuz you know, it's more realistic. I mean, what are the chances that a real secret agent is going to be as good looking at tom cruise? He should lose his job cuz he's too good looking.
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Yes but we dont have to hire video game characters you just create them.
I did not say Fable was the best or better than FF, I said it was the future, the open style with tons of customization, as opposed to really bad battle systems and horrenously stupid characters.
I dont hate FF I enjoy 7 and 8 but think its gone to S**T. The only good ffx character was auron and he was old ugly had a scar and walked around in that distinct samurai arm hang, they dont need to be pretty.
The best characters are flawed characters, otherwise as blight put it you get souless characters.
I have a question, did sakaguchi work on ffx or 12?
As far as the pretty actor thing goes, thats an american flaw, was toshiro mifune attractive or handsome, no he was quite unattractive but that didnt detract from his awesome acting skill and 1 in a million personality.
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geo85 Wrote:FF is dead, ff12 looks like the worst crap since x-2, why the hell do the characters need to look like gay japanese pop singers, and the bunny people, come on thats the best they could do, garbage.
The future of rpg's are games like fable, a lot of people said it was a let down but what else is out there that compares, nothing.
And just cause a character might look great doesnt mean anything, look at ffx they looked awesome but were all shallow and had no decent story.
Yeah well, FF might be dead to you and I respect that but it certainly isn't dead to the world. FFX is a good example of that. All the people that hate it didn't stop it from becoming one of the top twenty best-selling console games of all time. FFXII sold more than 2 million copies in 5 weeks in Japan. It has been almost 2 years since any game has sold over 2 million copies in Japan. The last game to sell over that many was Dragon Quest VIII (released in Japan in 2004). The truth is the FF games still sell like hot cakes, they're far from dead.
Blight Wrote:What's more, if anyone has played a game like KOTOR or Fallout, they may not have gone to such lengths to alter your character specifically, but they did a much greater job of making the world you live in react to you, and remain lengthy and engaging.
I agree that lots of people will continue to buy FF games, but I also think beyond his one sided hate, Geo has a point. I'm also sick of Bishonen bastards polluting games. GTFO pretty boys!!! Hell, even the girls all being flawless piss me off. Not everyone is beautiful. Especially not really strong fighters. Why does every SE party character have to either be a Seraphim of an animal person? I know it is a game, and I have said before that I like unrealistic games, but I am also a writer. I can no longer put up with these cliché riddled and uninspired characters. Contrary to popular belief, Yuna was the worst character from FF10. Everyone complains about Tidus, but at least if someone would have replaced him with a cardboard cut out, people would have noticed. Yuna lacked, well, a soul for one thing, and she was just too one dimensional and uninteresting to me.
Eye candy is not for me. If that is what you like in games, I think FF will do fine for you. And it will unquestionably provide lots of people with hours of game play, but I've just moved past their flat characters and gleaming surface. I need more than perfect hair and unblemished skin from my RPG's.
I remember we already discussed this before, it was about FFVII Advent Children if I'm not mistaken. You have every right not to like pretty people/characters but that doesn't mean pretty people/characters can't be deep and meaningful. That's like saying blondes are dumb when in fact that's what's dumb. Beautiful people are beautiful by nature, it doesn't stop them from being tough warriors. Being ugly isn't a requirement to be tough, that's just another stereotype.
geo85 Wrote:I dont hate FF I enjoy 7 and 8 but think its gone to S**T. The only good ffx character was auron and he was old ugly had a scar and walked around in that distinct samurai arm hang, they dont need to be pretty.
The best characters are flawed characters, otherwise as blight put it you get souless characters.
I have a question, did sakaguchi work on ffx or 12?
As far as the pretty actor thing goes, thats an american flaw, was toshiro mifune attractive or handsome, no he was quite unattractive but that didnt detract from his awesome acting skill and 1 in a million personality.
That's not an American flaw, believe me. If you take a good look around you, you'll notice pretty actors are everywhere, not just in America. In fact, there are way more pretty actors in Asia than in America. Also, nobody said only pretty actors were good actors but they sure attract a wider audience, for better or worse. Why do you think all these pretty girls and boys keep selling millions of cds? Because they're good musicians? No (well, they might be), because they're pretty. There are good and bad actors and they can be pretty or ugly, one thing doesn't exclude the other. And when it comes to Toshiro Mifune, acting skills apart, he was born in Japan in a time when men were expected to be strong, independent, and careless about their appearance. That's no longer the case (there or here). I suggest you take a look at this article: it's an interesting read.
And I'll say this again, a character doesn't have to be physically flawed ('cause that's what were talking about) to be soulful, he can be flawed in terms of personality.
Sakaguchi was the executive producer in both FFX and FFX-2 but he wasn't involved in the making of FFXII.
snowboarder Wrote:BTW....
for any who go to the link that I posted...go to search and everything shows up for ya.
Thanks for the link.
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Andromeda18_ Wrote:I remember we already discussed this before, it was about FFVII Advent Children if I'm not mistaken. You have every right not to like pretty people/characters but that doesn't mean pretty people/characters can't be deep and meaningful. That's like saying blondes are dumb when in fact that's what's dumb. Beautiful people are beautiful by nature, it doesn't stop them from being tough warriors. Being ugly isn't a requirement to be tough, that's just another stereotype.
Yeah, I think we did discuss this before, but guess what, you missed the point back then, just like you miss it now. Are ALL warriors gorgeous beyond comprehension? No, they aren't. So why the hell are all of SE warriors that way? You wanna say I have built a stereotype that pretty people can't fight, but you can't see that when everybody is pretty, THAT ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE! If everyone is pretty, naturally some will know how to fight, and some won't. I just want to know why we ONLY see the pretty battlers. I mean, are pretty people the only ones fit save the world? Is that why they think they are better than everyone else, cause with out them our world would fall into tremendous peril? Am I really the one who has formed a stereotype here?
I just demand some flexibility. It's ridiculous not to. Look at the guy from The Transporter. Not ripped, not terribly handsome, not a full head of hair. But you know what, he's still a badass, and he is strong and fit as hell. (The Men's Health article about him is really good btw).
Geo is right. These characters are designed to be what they are. And they should be designed with a little more heart. Maybe if they had more depth, it wouldn?t even be an issue, but when you stare at something pretty just to realize it is thin and hollow, you feel cheated, and any attachment to that character just slips away.
Cidien Wrote:You're right. And movie companies should start hiring balding men with beer guts for their leading roles cuz you know, it's more realistic. I mean, what are the chances that a real secret agent is going to be as good looking at tom cruise? He should lose his job cuz he's too good looking.
I?m glad that you think there are only highly attractive and less attractive people in this world. It shows you really have a sense of depth as far as your perception of people go. Is there no middle ground? Can we not have an average looking character? One who trains hard, but never attains that ?cut from stone? look? Or maybe a very skilled fencer, with a pretty big nose. I know you are supposed to suspend you disbelief with any sort of fantasy, but you should never have to suspend your creativity.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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I just think you're being way too picky. There are other unattractive looking people in ff games. Steiner comes to mind right away. Always thought Baret looked like a dumbass. Expecting the leading male and female characters not to look good is just rather unrealistic from a profit perspective. Most people are shallow, myself included. I don't want ugly people in the lead roles. Also, you keep brining up auron. Besides the fact that the dudes dead and quite old, I don't think he looks bad. But this is from a guys perspective.
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This thread is about E3 and here is the biggest surprise of the entire show thus far. Solid Snake is going to be in the next Smash Brothers game. I'm not shitting you. Go to IGN and download the trailer, it looks amazing to begin with, plus there are several new characters. But Snake. Holy shit....
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Snake being in it is great but what I really want is for Capcom to get Mega Man in the next SSB.
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Its not just SE with the pretty people. I'd wager three quarters of realistic game charrecters are made to be handsome. And then there's mario but he's a billionaire so he gets plenty of ladies
I got to check out ign to believe it. Nintendo has done great business this E3. But there's a hands-on with red steel at gamespot and they said it needs quite alot to get used to and its harder than the guy at the conference made it out to be. Graphics weren't too impressive either. Looking at the conference I got excited for it but reading about this cooled it down a bit. I'm really only excited for the controller with shooters and maybe driving games but reaction would have to be spot on.
For MS gears of war looks great. If its a long game and they get the framedrops out it could be a great game. But its the only thing that really stuck with me from that conference as far as games go. Their idea for connecting 360, pc and mobile gamers is very ambitious. But I wonder if the 360 folks will like to play fps with pc folks on the same network. Mouse/keyboard is still better in the right hands and pc's have cheats. Plus I'm wondering about the security of that idea. It could mean if you loose your mobile phone that someone has acces to your pc and 360.
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05-11-2006, 05:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2006, 05:08 AM by Blight.)
Yeah I have heard from several sites that Red steel had a few problems, but it is still in development so hopefully they will get it ironed out before it is released. Zelda for the Wii, Mario Galaxy, and Maden Wii all played great from what I hear, so lets hope Ubisoft steps it up and fixes the sensitivity issues.
And I think Nintendo is really starting to reach out into the third party talent pool. The main theme for Smash Bros. Brawl is done by Nobuo Uematsu. Simply awesome. Nintendo, I finally think you have got your shit together. Good work.
Mot_Soldats Wrote:Snake being in it is great but what I really want is for Capcom to get Mega Man in the next SSB. 
Lucky for you, there is a poll Nintendo of Japan has just launched that will let people go on line and suggest additions to the roster. I hope they do that for us (as in all of us) too. But even if they don't, it is still lucky for you since many people want him Mega Man to get in on the action.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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05-11-2006, 05:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2006, 06:01 AM by Andromeda18_.)
Blight Wrote:but you can't see that when everybody is pretty, THAT ISN'T EVEN POSSIBLE!
It's a game! Almost everything going on there is impossible!
Blight Wrote:I mean, are pretty people the only ones fit save the world? Is that why they think they are better than everyone else, cause with out them our world would fall into tremendous peril?
You do realize the majority of people who create these characters aren't exactly pretty right? Don't go blaming this on pretty people!
Blight Wrote:I just demand some flexibility. It's ridiculous not to. Look at the guy from The Transporter. Not ripped, not terribly handsome, not a full head of hair. But you know what, he's still a badass, and he is strong and fit as hell. (The Men's Health article about him is really good btw).
I’m glad that you think there are only highly attractive and less attractive people in this world. It shows you really have a sense of depth as far as your perception of people go. Is there no middle ground? Can we not have an average looking character? One who trains hard, but never attains that “cut from stone” look? Or maybe a very skilled fencer, with a pretty big nose. I know you are supposed to suspend you disbelief with any sort of fantasy, but you should never have to suspend your creativity.
I suggest you play Radiata Stories then. Plenty of average looking characters there. In fact, one of the main characters is a short, fat man (who just happens to be a warrior). :p
And by the way, Tom Cruise's nose is far from perfect.
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Heh, play Red Dead Revlover if you want ugly people.
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what really matters in a rpg like final fantasy is that the characters are realistic. Even sephiroth was good at one time. It's about the characters struggles not what they look like. Although rph characters are starting to get typecasted as far as they are mostly the same. Such is the case with the vampire guy from shadow hearts two and frank from shadow hearts 3 they both find their weapons and they are both commical. Now i think its funny and i don't mind but if it happened all the time with no variance then i would have a problem with it.
I think the biggest problem in rpg's lately is the lack of story and the lack of bravery. I remember playing a game when your main character died or when on the 2nd final fantasy you became a palidin and that was cool. The games just don't make you feel what the character is going through the music just doesen't live up its all upbeat battle music or generic sad music. I want an RPG that moves me not something thats pretty and makes me go oooooo and ahhhhhh.
Basically i want my rpg to have characters i really enjoy a great story and not be boring as dirt.
Music and a great battle system helps and so does uniqueness but even tho the battle system for ff7 is pretty slow and repetive and even though i have beat it at least a few times its still fun to play every so often and that is because of the music the side quests the characters and story.