Nintendo truly has gone off the deep end
Branding is extremely important.While i would consider getting one if the games are good (even if im f#%ked in that its gunna look like poo scaled up on my hd tv.The general image you put out is important.Which in nz is bad.And very kiddy like.What ever happened to trying to apeal to a other markets etc
Its frustrating.And if i get one embarasing.My family have allready been asking me about when ill get my wii.Hopefully itl become familiar quick people wont really think about that side of it anymore.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
It would help a lot if it had a long "i" sound in stead of a long "e" IMO. In any case Nintendo is still Nintendo and it will likely be the cheapest next gen console, so I'll buy one for sure.
Schultz Wrote:Ok well for one they said they were never having a HD what they are having is 512MB of Memory in the console so you will be able to download games and save them to there. Then you can hook up External devices to store more games on those. Note they never said they were going to have a HD.

Also Dolphin was a code name. Along with Revolution. Every project has a code name. I belive the 360's codename was along the lines of Xenon or such. I don't really care what they name a console. It won't affect my playing or purchasing of the console. and if you don't buy it because of the name then why even buy a gaming consoles because you obviously don't care for the games when the name is what makes you buy it or not.

No when I said they are not using HD I mean High Def. They have said they have no plans to make the console HD compatable which will mean the system is not future proof an will look crap.
The only people that just buy one system and consider the nintendo are parents, nintnedo markets their system so a large number of gamers buy it as well as the xbox or ps.
Well maybe the america localization team will plead with nintendo to keep the revolution title since they did change a lot of names over the years famicom is one of them.

Oui I think wii sounds like wee, that made me have to pee, hee hee.
geo85 Wrote:Well maybe the america localization team will plead with nintendo to keep the revolution title since they did change a lot of names over the years famicom is one of them.

Sorry, not happening. Perrin Kaplan is VP of corporate affairs at NOA, and this is the interview IGN just had with her. It is pretty damn funny too.

Edit: You know, I really hate to say this, but I'm already getting used to say Wii. I feel lame.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Wii certainly is easy to type...

I wonder what all the hype about having a hard drive is though? I haven't seen any strong, legal uses of HDs on the existing units. Sure, there are some great things that CAN be done with them but at this time they are needlessly driving up the price of the game units from what I can tell.

I probably won't be buying a new system until it has been out for at least a year and I can see what sort of games have been developed for it. Currently, PS2 is my fave because of all the cool Bemani type games available on it and all those great controllers (not to mention that I am a Gran Tourismo loyalist).

In a nutshell, it's all about the games for me. I don't mean the graphics of the games either. If I was a graphic junkie then I wouldn't enjoy my ol' SNES as much as I do. It's about how the games play and the depth of the enjoyment that I can get while playing them.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
If you take any system online a hard drive is required. It's also nice not requiring a memory card plus with the 360 you can put all the music you want on there and replace the game music with your own. The 360 rocks, but without the hard drive its a piece of crap. They're very important to many people.
(I bet Gubi thinks we are stupid for having this convo spurt cause that wasn?t what he meant to begin with but?)Yeah, having a HD is essential for a good MMO playing experience. That is one thing that is an important part of game play that a HD is legally used for. Other than that, yeah lots of illegal uses. There are cool features available sure, but at the cost of one of THEIR hard drives it sucks and aint worth it. I like how nintend is doing it. If you make it an option that is completely up to the user, that?s great, but don?t force it down peoples throats. If you are like me, you really don?t play MMO?s because they are time sinks. That being a major reason to get a HD, people like me would be pissed to HAVE to pay for that unwanted functionality. And for the record, Nintendo has stated that you can have extra storage through the use of their USB ports. Here is the link.

But other than that, name doesn?t even matter to me anymore. It was really shocking at first, which is why I s was so angry, but I?m gonna go pre-order my Wii some time next week. I?m just glad they didn?t unveil the name at E3. That would have gone over like a lead balloon. Giving the name some time to sink in is a good idea. Though not naming it Wii would?ve been a better one. Oh well, I don?t play many games lately any how; hoping Wii will change my dieing interest.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Im officially dissapointedin this BS. "Wii"..."Wii!". This is just re-f-in-tarded. I mean regardless of the systems capabilities or what it can do or what games it will have (my estimate is a bunch of the same rehashed titles, i.e. LOZ:Lampshade of No Signifigance (any Decline of Video Gaming Fans), and about 40 Mario titles). I think the name turned off a lot of people that had even the slightest intrest in the system(me). Plus, I heard that it's going to have a minor graphical enhansement. Im still aiming for the PS3, Im lovin' the way that's looking. Im very exited about titles such as MGS4 and Devil May Cry 4, not some new Mario reinactment of something originally cool in real life. I havent lost all hope, but who knows......

......Well, that was a fun rant!
There can be tears of sadness, and there can be tears of joy, but they are far from the same.

King Of Bandits Jing

My DVD trade list:
Again look up the red steel content. The first game theyre talking about is a FPS, the type of game that the Wii controller setup would be awesome for. The graphics are far ahead of the gamecube and these are still shots and we all know stills dont do games justice.

Nintendo makes a killing in Japan, and does immensly well with their handhelds around the world at this point they can focus on whatever they want to. Besides the people awaiting this system all want more mario, zelda, metroid games.

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