They've been doing insane thing with pretty predictable results since the 64.
No reason they should stop making completely idiotic decisions now. They'd lose their rep as the dumbest console producers in history. Sony's smart (mostly), sega was unlucky, and microsoft is unfairly prejudiced against yet make mostly good decisions. Nintendo's just retarded. I'm all for a new nintendo system but part of me just wants them to fail for being so stupid.
I know, what the fuck. I don't want it to be called a pet name for piss. XBox 360 is a lame name, and PS3 is uninspired, but this name just plain sucks. Some marketing jackasses need the shit kicked out of them for this. And I don't want of hear any of this, ?Well people are talking about it" shit you marketing majors always spout! If it makes people embarrassed to say they actually have Nintendo wee, why would anybody wanna buy it. This really pisses ME off!
How many people here are still going to call it the Nintendo Revolution?
Either that or simply nintendos new console. Possibly nintendos gay new console. Now it just sounds french. Perhaps this is a sign. Nintendo is essentially surrendering to the competition.
And while 360 is a bit lame you can easly say "Bring over the 360", or bring over the ps3. But "Bring over the 'We'." just isn't going to do it.
I'll always think of it as the Revolution. Wii, for a lack of a better term, is a gay ass name.
This on top of the desision not to use HD has just made me loose all interest in this console. The only thing that got me interested was the possiblity of the full back catalogue like nes/snes and n64 stuff.
They should call it: "wii!!". :p Really though any name besides Revolution is a step down and this new name is like falling off a cliff... On to spikes.
I don't think I've heard anyone being positive about this name and I'm not going to start with it either.
Revolution or rev was such a good name IMO, they should have stuck with it. You won't hear me saying 'I'm going to play (with) my wii now'. I think it has meaning in japanese and they must have just looked at a name that would fit there, totally disregarding the posible meaning it has in the west. I hope they get smart and change it for the west. Fanboys will have a field day with this.
Wii sucks!
ill still buy it, but now when im talking to my friends and it casually comes up in conversation, it will have to be known as WIIIIIII!!!!,
person 1: how was work?
person 2: oh, it was fine.
Person 1: hey how bout you and i go back to my place and get our WIIIII on?
...ok on second thought i dont like were this is going
I have to agree that is a dumb name, almost as dumb as the Dolphin eh? I'm not going to judge it until it comes out. I think the idea of having old school games available for dowload is a fantastic idea (Yes I've been doing it for years illegally). I really think this era of gaming will definetely seperate the old school players from the new school players. Now a days I get more excited about a Megaman X collection than Final Fantasy crap or the newest Halo or whatever seems to be the newest of something.
I don't give a fuck if its got HD that shit ever works to begin with? How many times have consoles and handhelds tried that formula? Hey lets make a console do something else! If that idea was true I would be sitting here typing this message through my Sega Saturn Web Browser, watching TV on my Gamegear, talking to my friends on my NCage, and taking a picture of the whole fucking thing with my Gameboy Camera! I don't watch movies on my PS2, because I know how many first gen systems burnt out... gimmicks like this never work. Look at the sales of the UMD movies? I mean who didn't see that shit coming?
Like I stated before the name Wii is retarted, who knows they might change it by the time it reaches the States. I remember when the PSX came out in Japan, they were really trying to push the "It's the Fun Machine" ads. So far my next console is between the PS3 or the Revolerrrr... Wii! I have no interest in an X-box 360, and I sure as hell don't want to spend 500 bucks on a gaming system, so right now I'm leaning more towards Nintendo. Nintendo hasn't surrender to the competition, they have way too much money. Look at the sales of the DS compare to the X-box 360 in Japan or here for that matter, its insane. Yes there is a price difference, but there was a huge price difference between the PSP and DS at first and the DS still reigned king. I haven't typed this much in years on this forum.

Ok well for one they said they were never having a HD what they are having is 512MB of Memory in the console so you will be able to download games and save them to there. Then you can hook up External devices to store more games on those. Note they never said they were going to have a HD.
Also Dolphin was a code name. Along with Revolution. Every project has a code name. I belive the 360's codename was along the lines of Xenon or such. I don't really care what they name a console. It won't affect my playing or purchasing of the console. and if you don't buy it because of the name then why even buy a gaming consoles because you obviously don't care for the games when the name is what makes you buy it or not.
I just have to laugh at this all, you guys are going to base buying a system on its name. Have you even seen any of the red steel content from ubisoft they have shown what the game looks like and talked about how it works, i am definitly buying a nintendo whatevertheycallit.
they could call it the big pink dildo and i would stiil buy it just because its a great innovative system. If you want to see the content its in the latest gameinformer, awesome stuff.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'll still buy it unless its really bad which i don't think it'll be. Still sceptical about the remote though but it'll have new zelda's and metroid and i must play those. But it might put off those non gamers and parents nintendo wants. Its not a name that sounds like a gamesystem to me. And the name revolution won alot of ground over the past year. Most gamers have heard of it and it stuck, it was a good name imo.
The fact that I am going to buy it, at launch in fact, is why this pisses me off so much. If I wasn't going to get one, I couldn't give a dame less. It just hurts my ears to hear it called that. In one article it was brought up that there are a lot of weird names for popular tech related stuff such as Google, ipod, and Napster, but none of those names sounded like a kiddy word for urine. This name is different because it already has strange ideas associated with it. I already mentioned what I cringe about when I here Wii, but others say it sounds French, or that it really has nothing to do with gaming. Nintendo's description almost sounds like a desperate person seeking a date. Wii needs you. Or like in that last sentence, Golum to a certain degree lol. But bleh, this name is awful. I will still definitely get one, because it will play like a 1000 dollar whore would lay (fresh is what I am going for in this perverted analogy), but I’m taping over the name as soon as it comes out of the box.
Yes but a name does have buying power with people. Especially people that are only going to be buying one system. And even more-so with people who are buying their kids a system. The fact that nintendo makes more kiddie games doesn't have as much sway with parents as it used to as less and less parents care what their kids play. Shit i've seen parents buying their 10 year old kid GTA3 knowing exactly what it is.
And I never said I wasn't going to buy it. Doesn't mean you can't get mad about it. I'm just that much more pissed at nintendo for making me have to think about how I speak about their system once I own it. It's like if my xbox burned out. I'd buy another one, but i'd be pissed.