Got this in an email, thought it was interesting.
gubi-gubi Wrote:I think I read that too that they have built a machine called Atlas I think that has the power to create an explosion inside of it similar to the big bang and the experiment would then prove the big bang theory that we all came from one bang of nothingness as matter can be created from such a powerful 'bang'.
Cidien, read that, unless I misunderstood, I think we covered that.

which thinking about it, I guess the bang would be counted as energy, but still the energy is created from nothing.
And on the same special from which I learned on the string theroy, it said that with time we would be able to destory energy.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Cidien Wrote:(on earth)

Exactly. The big bang didn't happen on Earth and Earth didn't exist then so the laws just don't apply. Just as the law 'what goes up must come down' doesn't apply in space.

I read somewhere though that a new theory exists that universe's existed before ours and that ours was created as a result of a colision of two other universes floating around a sea of nothingness. That could technically mean alternate realites could be existing along side us in a place we can't access or understand... Still doesn't answer where the hell they came from though... Still it's fun to think about :p
I've always liked the theory that the universe expands then contracts over and over again on an endless cycle. It's also fun to think that far in the future someone creates the ultimate weapon that compacts all matter into one chunk and throws everything back to the beginning of time to start all over again.

There are so many speculations that it is fun to see what people come up with all the time.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I'd like to read about this machine that can create something similar to the big bang from nothing, because it sounds like crap to me. If it's true it would be very interesting to say the least. I dunno. Curiosity is the only real reason I want an afterlife lol. Would suck to die and never have learned wtf we are. Of course once dead it wouldn't really matter anyways would it?
I don't understand how people can so blindly believe in Evolution and "the big bang" theory, and dissmiss religion so easly. When both science and religion require blind faith. And there is just as much physical evidence to back up religion, as there is science.:o
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KnlfE Wrote:I don't understand how people can so blindly believe in Evolution and "the big bang" theory, and dissmiss religion so easly. When both science and religion require blind faith. And there is just as much physical evidence to back up religion, as there is science.:o

Er no there isn't. Blind faith? Looking at as much facts and information as you can and then making an educated guess is not blind faith. Believing what some fool wrote in a book thousands of years ago is however...
gubi-gubi Wrote:Er no there isn't. Blind faith? Looking at as much facts and information as you can and then making an educated guess is not blind faith. Believing what some fool wrote in a book thousands of years ago is however...

Some fool wrote in a book? I Imagine your speaking of the Bible. First off, It's wasn't "Some Fool" who wrote the Bible, It was Several Fools. They didn't all write the Bible at the same time, the Bible spans over several thousands of years. And if you don't belive in the Bible how do you explain the Dead Sea Scrolls? or the Roman Documentation of Jesus being Crusified.

Second, science says one thing like, you can't destroy matter or create matter. But now they say they can recreate "The Big Bang" theory from Nothing.
[Image: 01.jpg][COLOR="Red"]
KnlfE Wrote::eek:

Some fool wrote in a book? I Imagine your speaking of the Bible. First off, It's wasn't "Some Fool" who wrote the Bible, It was Several Fools. They didn't all write the Bible at the same time, the Bible spans over several thousands of years. And if you don't belive in the Bible how do you explain the Dead Sea Scrolls? or the Roman Documentation of Jesus being Crusified.

Second, science says one thing like, you can't destroy matter or create matter. But now they say they can recreate "The Big Bang" theory from Nothing.

Since when did science say that? And so what if Jesus died? Doesn't mean he was the son of god anymore than if I claim I am. It was written by many fools but edited by one or two. And what are the dead sea scrolls ment to prove? What that more people wrote 'holy' texts? Like we didn't know that. Where is the scientific proof you talk of written in those?
The only thing that makes me kinda believe in the bible still is the scientific proof that pops up from time to time. Still though, in most cases something could have happened and it was misinterpreted or exagerated. An example is they believe they've found saddom and gamora (not sure if I spelled those right been a long time since my old religion classes lol) and they were indeed burned to the ground. Whether it was by god or whatever other reasons... who knows. Remember watching a history channel thing that explained what could have happened from the evidence they found. Was interesting but I don't remember enough to even try to describe it here.
All religious people should realize that if they were born a few thousand years ago in Norway they'd be praying to the god of thunder. If you were born in Middle east you'd be praying to Allay, if you're born in Jamaica you'd be praying to Jah-weh etc yet you all think you're right and the rest is wrong and if you say you don't you're lying or you're not religious. Most haven't choosen their religion.

Every civilasation before ours has come up with some way to explain life and death by creating mythical figures. Finnaly we are thinking for ourselfs with the evolution theory.
elcoholic Wrote:Every civilasation before ours has come up with some way to explain life and death by creating mythical figures. Finnaly we are thinking for ourselfs with the evolution theory.

Exactly the people who came up with religion so long ago were just early scientist trying to apply what they knew to the world to try and find an explanation. It's only the blind followers and the corrupt churches that are keeping these early theories alive for their own gain. If you pass a story along for long enough people seem to believe it more the older it is. People even believe the scientologists and they're only like 50 years old. The creator was a sci-fi writer!

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