Why o why I can't find.......?
Hey TazForm, obviously you didn't read the rules about not flamming outside the flame forum so i'm sure Zag is gonna ban you now for a while. Hope you don't come back.

And there's a pawn shop around here that buys bootlegs and resells em pretty high. Think i've already said that before though. Told them and they gave me a free set. Showed 'em how to tell the difference cuz I didn't want em to get into trouble, event thought the possibility is slim. Ya like two days later they had even more bootlegs on the shelves. Pissed me off that they actually pretended to care.
Yes I knew that Imports are copies and this is the only site, that I seen, have a request form for some anime'.
I'm not sure if I can ban someone if I don't really understand what they're saying.

Besides, things seem to be mostly under control in here... there was one outburst and a few people picking on his abuse of the English language. It's kind of sad that people who speak English as their second tongue here in the forum have better grammar than he does.

But he does seem to be honestly interested in picking up some anime rather than picking fights. That goes a long way in my book. Doesn't mean that I'd eat him for dinner though...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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