Hello.... Why can I not find some of those Domestic anime on the Imported ones? I like buying Imported ones because it's compatiblity. I used to buy lots of Domestic anime but my shelves and closest is over stock. See I have the whole Chobits on 7 disc (last disc i had up and down feeling about) with a box and all. but I see you can get the same on 3 dic with only one case. I was looking for something like D+VINE on imported (friend to me i should see this, it's was funny to her) but they don't have any or it only contains one volume in japanese Dialog. Why o why can I get a demestic animes on/in the imported animes .......

You serious? The so called imports are BOOTLEGS and will never have all the domest titles that's why it's that simple.
Also, if you live in Balitimore slap yourself. That's some of the worst english, even on the internet, i've had the displeasure of trying to read.
Cidien Wrote:Also, if you live in Balitimore slap yourself. That's some of the worst english, even on the internet, i've had the displeasure of trying to read.
To say the least I had a hard time figuring out what he was asking. Is this what is commonly "engrish?" or is this worse?
That's engrish and it can get worse in HKs. Try imagining reading subtitles written by him. That's about what V Gundam is like. You can understand it but it's frustrating having to concentrate to do it.
Puppet Master Wrote:To say the least I had a hard time figuring out what he was asking. Is this what is commonly "engrish?" or is this worse?
I know every thread I fail to see what the question is... I'm still not quite sure what he's asking :confused:
Well, I think he's asking why he can't find the domestic titles in imports... in which case the answer is simple... Most import sellers have been notified that they cannot sell the same titles as the domestic releases anymore since it infringes on their copyrights... etc. etc.. So in other words, he needs to contact the import sellers and ask if they have certain domestic titles in HK disks since they can no longer be listed on their websites.
Thank you Amethyst for your reply. And I will check into it.
What up with you idots... yeah I spell Domestic wrong .... gee. but you didn't get the point.... You sit up here trying to trash me, instead of help me out. What are you in grade school... You back there in the back of the class beatting your own d#*K or something. What you could even figure why can you find all the Domestic Anime on the Imported ones.... Geee.... You couple of Jack*#$, don't even have a F*&^ing brain. And yeah I BALTIMORE, so what. You going to do something about it. Use that F*&^ing brain, instead of sitting on it.
You didn't just spell domestic wrong, we have no idea what you asked from us. Don't get mad at us because you suck at english. You even suck at flamming.
Learn some manners and normal english and we can help you. Untill then, goodbye.
elcoholic Wrote:You didn't just spell domestic wrong, we have no idea what you asked from us. Don't get mad at us because you suck at english. You even suck at flamming.
Learn some manners and normal english and we can help you. Untill then, goodbye.
Well put man but for some reason I doubt people like him will ever learn to be clear instead of using Engrish..
TazForm Wrote:What up with you idots... yeah I spell Domestic wrong .... gee. but you didn't get the point.... You sit up here trying to trash me, instead of help me out. What are you in grade school... You back there in the back of the class beatting your own d#*K or something. What you could even figure why can you find all the Domestic Anime on the Imported ones.... Geee.... You couple of Jack*#$, don't even have a F*&^ing brain. And yeah I BALTIMORE, so what. You going to do something about it. Use that F*&^ing brain, instead of sitting on it.
Do you even fucking read what you type? What the hell is that? Sure, from time to time I may leave a word out or something, but with you we can barely decipher what you are trying to say. Even funnier, is that your question was answered in the first post and you were just too fucking ignorant to understand what it meant.
Here is the deal. Imported stuff, like from here, CJV, and most of what is on Ebay, are illegal copies of either recorded T.V. programs, or domestic DVD's that are pressed in Hong Kong. In other words BOOTLEGS!!! They are illegitimate. The reason you can't find them, is because no store wants to say, "Hey, over here we have some illegally copied shit. You wanna buy it?" What Amethyst is talking about is that they do actually make them, you just have order them through a store because if they post the titles, there can be legality issues.
Oh, and I edited your post to make it more contextually and mechanically correct.
TazForm Wrote:I am a retard.
There we go.
Blight Wrote:The reason you can't find them, is because no store wants to say, "Hey, over here we have some illegally copied shit. You wanna buy it?"
Save for sun coast.
My friends have found bootlegs that look exactly like my sets in there, but they sell them for about 1/2 the price of waht the series actually should cost.
Batz Kage Wrote:Save for sun coast.
My friends have found bootlegs that look exactly like my sets in there, but they sell them for about 1/2 the price of waht the series actually should cost.
I've seen one store that sells bootlegs in a mall and the prices were like $50 for a 3 disc set.
Well the Suncoast where I live is going out of business, so I think that is an accurate representation of what that business model will get you lol.