Thinpack vs Normal sets urgent
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Well, as far as sets go the information on ADV's website is that those are the only two packs. The artbox was available with dvd volume 1 but that can't be considered a pack, imo.

That's the set he wants though but like I said I don't think you can buy it whole either.
He can if he buys it on ebay. This guy is selling it:
It's almost over though and he doesn't specify if it's the think pack or not. However, this seller is also selling thin packs and he announces them as so. Anyway, I bet he won't sell this in the next 45min so he'll probably put it up for sale again. If Cyrus is interested in buying it he just needs to ask the seller if it's the thin pack or not.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
All one really needs to do is check the UPC and well I did check a retailer since I have nothing better to do and it's the same as the thinpaks.
[Image: IA.jpg]

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yeah its thin pack he says 6 disk edition

the full set non thin pack is gonna be around a 100 at the cheapest i saw a used set go for 88 and that was with 2 hours left
Well, at least you know you might find it on ebay...
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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