360 backwards compatibility problems
Thought i'd start its own thread. Those of you that have a 360, post any glitches you've encountered here. Here's a few off the top of my head.

Last night we discovered the worst one. In NFS underground 2 when playing 2 player the second players screen is taken over by player ones screen giving him a full screen of play. However, the sky from the second persons screen remains. It goes in and out but it mostly stays like that. Single player works fine.

Ninja gaiden lags. Unplayable.

Halo 2 co-op has a vision problem. Every once in a while it looks like someone splattered player ones visor with a grey goo making it hard to see out of. It comes and goes. Very annoying.
I'd say the BC promise was just a massive failure. Even Halo2 multiplayer doesn't work right.

I think it will take a long time to get everything running perfect.

BTW, you have one yet? They're still not on the shelves over here. Still filling out pre orders.
No I don't. I don't have the money for one yet. My friends over so often though it doesn't really matter lol. Only game I really want is doa 4 (which is crap compared to 2) and he'd be over when I play it anyways. Spent all my money when I was in Kansas City for a week though and now i'm spending what I get at the bars lol. Best Buy has like 30 in right now. Not hard to find here at all.

And what doesn't work with multiplayer? We play splitscreen and havn't had any problems yet. Just with co-op.
I think I heard people talk about getting alot of disconnects while online and graphical glitches like walls not loading and weird physics. That was when it was just released. They might have fixed it by now or maybe it was another game altogether. Don't remember. They also had an article on I think IGN about HALO2 on the 360. It mentioned some of the problems.

Over here still a 4 to 6 week delivery term for the premium. Core can be found in stores which atleast in something. I wonder how long I can keep my patience.
Just buy the core and a hd. =P Although I personally want a wired controller for my computer. (plus the disc load tray looks better with the core)
Hah, no way I'll fall for that joke package. Plus I want the wireless controller and remote. If I forget to put my controllers in a closet overnight I can buy a new one the next day because my cat loves eating the wires when I'm not arround. I've went through 3 ps2 controllers, 2 headsets and an xbox extender cable in just 2005. I can't wait to have a working wireless controller (the joytech stuff that I have now sucks).
elcoholic Wrote:BTW, you have one yet? They're still not on the shelves over here. Still filling out pre orders.

Really? The 360 was on sale here the same day it was on sale in the US. I'm surprised it still hasn't been released in Holland considering we're always the last ones to get everything.
The weird thing is a Portuguese website that sells the xbox 360 has a disclaimer saying the Core System isn't backwards compatible. I wonder if there's any truth to that. Doesn't really make a lot of sense. Anyway, because of all the glitches and other problems a new console usually has I think I'll give it sometime before buying the 360, not to mention the Playstation 3 is definitely a priority.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
The core system isn't backwards compatible because it doesn't have a hard drive. Buy a hard drive. Not buying a hard drive for the 360 is simply retarded anyways even if you don't use backwards compatibility.

And it sounds like you need to put your contollers away so your cat doesn't eat your cords elcoholic. Simpler solution. And the only wireless controller for current gen systems thats as good as the 360 one is the wavebird for the gamecube. The rest all have different problems. The newer logitech ones are better though.
Yeah, I always try to put the cords away but sometimes when I'm gaming late at night I forget to put them away. Last year I forgot 4 times. Hence 3 ps2 and a xbox cord busted. If i forget once i'm immediatly punished. But its cool. I still love my cat.

Quote:Really? The 360 was on sale here the same day it was on sale in the US. I'm surprised it still hasn't been released in Holland considering we're always the last ones to get everything.

You misunderstand. Its released here at the same day as portugal but there are massive shortages (I think my entire country got like 10.000, my town of 28.000 people got 1). Shops are still filling out preorders and you won't find one sitting on a shelf ready to pick up and take home unless you want the core version. But you'll need the HD anyway for save games, backwards compatibility and online gaming.
elcoholic Wrote:Hah, no way I'll fall for that joke package. Plus I want the wireless controller and remote. If I forget to put my controllers in a closet overnight I can buy a new one the next day because my cat loves eating the wires when I'm not arround. I've went through 3 ps2 controllers, 2 headsets and an xbox extender cable in just 2005. I can't wait to have a working wireless controller (the joytech stuff that I have now sucks).
elcoholic, i have some bad news. New Premium packages don't have the remote in them anymore. For some reason Microsoft isn't shipping with them anymore. Gamestop confirmed this in the article i was reading.

As always here is link to article.
Ya that's true. Forgot to mention that. My friend got the last premium package from best buy that had a controller included. Another reason I don't care if I get the premium.
That kinda sucks but I think the controller also had a power on/off button so why need a remote?
For dvds mostly.
Tell me they didn't pull that trick again where you have to buy the remote to be able to play dvd's? It does play them right out of the box doesn't it?
Nobody I know has even tried to play a dvd. That's what dvd players are for. /shrug

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