A sequal to the shadow, ico series
So what do ya think, will they make one

If they do sony has my complete support in the upincomming console war
Don't know if they will. They should mix the games together. Make a huge land with huge ICO like castles that house Collosi. It was the only thing that dissapointed me in SotC that it was to easy to get to the Collosi.

Anyway, I can't even begin to think what this team can do on the ps3. I hope they're working on one.
I thought they were making an ico2.
Maybe they should have a real time function, like animal crossing so travelling the world is in real time so you need to stop and rest and water your horse at a stream and bulid a fire and get some sleep while you make the trek to each collosus, so if you have to cross rivers and travel over mountains you are really making a long and hard journey each time, that would extend the length quite abit although it might get annoying!?
lol sad fuckers go outside in the sunshine instead of playing games u fat lard ass mofo's

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