When the moderator is away...
OK kids,

I have to go do a job in Detroit this week so I wont have any internet access till Thursday or Friday. I'll probably be in a grumpy mood when I get home so if I find anyone has been out of line I'll probably come down pretty hard on them.

You've all been warned.
See you later this week.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
But won't JJ and Schultz still be here?
Shhh... you weren't supposed to tell...
I'm on my way out the door now... just checking in one last time before heading down to the Motor City.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Vicious Wrote:But won't JJ and Schultz still be here?
Nope we are playing video games.
Have fun Zag.
Schultz Wrote:Nope we are playing video games.
Bah, it's not video games, it's World of Warcraft and we've all been sucked in.:p
I quit playing wow cuz I know i'm going to want to play a blood elf when the expansion comes out, so no reason to burn out on it now lol. That and I love the changes made to eq2. I still think theres way too many attacks for combat though. slots 1-0 on my hotbar are all attacks alone.
Hated the changes to EQ2...eeek!! Love WOW, I'm having a lot of fun.
What changes didn't you like? And wow is fun until you realize pvp is the only fun thing in the game after you've leveled forever. You do the same thing at lvl 60 as you do at level 6. You don't really have the pride in your character either cuz it's so much easier to level up in wow.
I think the opposite. EQ1/2 is too damn Tedious to level up. (done it with two char's) and i am loving how it is to level in WoW you can spend more time actually enjoying the game then grinding out a damn level until you turn into a zombie. Also the changes suck. berserkers post 50 and so useless. Also the combat you can't take anything that you used to be able to. Plus you need complete groups for anything higher then white con now. and healing as a Inq for me sucks now. just the changes made it worse then it was. Also when you have all the rare t5 gear and you can't take a yellow mob with 4 decked out char's is little on the bad side for EQ2 though i heard the new zones are somewhat balanced for the new combat changes but the old world is not.

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