Some spelling mistakes ;)
On title list you wrote:
One Peice TV Series
One Peice TV Series Part III
instead of One PIECE Smile
Sakura War TV Series
instead of Sakura WarS Smile
Wei B Kreuz OAV
instead of Weiß Kreuz

That's everything I saw while watching your list!
And could you tell me how much shipping costs I'd have to pay when I order from Middle Europe? Couldn't find it on your page. If it stays there sorry Smile
...great site!!
Quote:Originally posted by "Makai"

...That's everything I saw while watching your list!
And could you tell me how much shipping costs I'd have to pay when I order from Middle Europe? Couldn't find it on your page. If it stays there sorry Smile ...
Sorry !
Found it, just have to watch more precisely. Smile
Quote:Originally posted by "Makai"

On title list you wrote:
One Peice TV Series
One Peice TV Series Part III
instead of One PIECE Smile
Sakura War TV Series
instead of Sakura WarS Smile
Wei B Kreuz OAV
instead of Weiß Kreuz

That's everything I saw while watching your list!
And could you tell me how much shipping costs I'd have to pay when I order from Middle Europe? Couldn't find it on your page. If it stays there sorry Smile
...great site!!

Actually, Weiß Kreuz is fine and Wei B Kreuz OAV is the incorrect version because in the fansubs I have its always been written as Weiß Kreuz or Weiss Kruez..Plus, it sounds better than the commercial release Knight Hunters :wink:
That's right, the correct is "Weiß Kreuz".
Btw. that's german and means "White Cross"...
Yup your right it is White Cross also it was fansubbed by White Cross as well :wink: ..Have you seen the Oav dvd yet?
the spelling mistakes fixed, thanks for letting me know Smile
Quote:Originally posted by "Rei1781"

Yup your right it is White Cross also it was fansubbed by White Cross as well :wink: ..Have you seen the Oav dvd yet?
Nope, haven't seen it. I also don't have any HK anime DVD yet. But I think that will change soon Smile All my anime are RC2, RC1 or on tape.
...just registered Wink
I will probably pick up the fansub version first of the Ova incase the subs aren't that good..What kinda shows do you like?
Well, I like different kinds of shows... But what I don't like are the anime where they used too much CG like in Blue Submarine Nr.6.
Some of my favourite anime/series are: Scryed, Star Ocean EX,Wings of Honneamise, Black Jack, RoLW (OVA), Devil Hunter Yohko and much more... I prefer Shonen anime.
Btw. JunkieJoe there is still one "one pEIce" left.

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