On title list you wrote:
One Peice TV Series
One Peice TV Series Part III
instead of One PIECE

Sakura War TV Series
instead of Sakura WarS

Wei B Kreuz OAV
instead of Weiß Kreuz
That's everything I saw while watching your list!
And could you tell me how much shipping costs I'd have to pay when I order from Middle Europe? Couldn't find it on your page. If it stays there sorry

...great site!!
Quote:Originally posted by "Makai"
...That's everything I saw while watching your list!
And could you tell me how much shipping costs I'd have to pay when I order from Middle Europe? Couldn't find it on your page. If it stays there sorry
Sorry !
Found it, just have to watch more precisely.

That's right, the correct is "Weiß Kreuz".
Btw. that's german and means "White Cross"...
Yup your right it is White Cross also it was fansubbed by White Cross as well :wink: ..Have you seen the Oav dvd yet?
the spelling mistakes fixed, thanks for letting me know

Quote:Originally posted by "Rei1781"
Yup your right it is White Cross also it was fansubbed by White Cross as well :wink: ..Have you seen the Oav dvd yet?
Nope, haven't seen it. I also don't have any HK anime DVD yet. But I think that will change soon

All my anime are RC2, RC1 or on tape.
...just registered

I will probably pick up the fansub version first of the Ova incase the subs aren't that good..What kinda shows do you like?
Well, I like different kinds of shows... But what I don't like are the anime where they used too much CG like in Blue Submarine Nr.6.
Some of my favourite anime/series are: Scryed, Star Ocean EX,Wings of Honneamise, Black Jack, RoLW (OVA), Devil Hunter Yohko and much more... I prefer Shonen anime.
Btw. JunkieJoe there is still one "one pEIce" left.